What Are You Editing? III

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What Are You Editing? III

Post by Kionon » Thu Oct 06, 2016 9:32 pm

Every few years there is a sort of round up I like to do of what everyone is working on, what they're close to finishing, what's in progress, what's on hold, and what has been scrapped.

Title: Sakura's The Girl I've Been Telling You About REMASTER
Source: Card Captor Sakura
Song: That's The Girl I've Been Telling You About by Blessed Union of Souls
Started work: June 28, 2009.
Status: On Hold.
Betas? No, because it's pretty much just a remaster of the 2001 video done with the BDs.
Info: None, really.

Title: I'm on a(n Inter-Island) Ferry
Source: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Song: I'm on a Boat by The Lonely Island
Started Work: Eh... May 2009? Maybe?
Status: Scrapped, probably.
Betas? Maybe later.

Title: Strawberries
Source: Ichigo Mashimaro
Song: When I Grow Up by Garbage
Started work: Feb 3, 2008.
Status: Scrapped, definitely.
Betas? No.
Info: I still think this song/video combination has a lot of potential. The rotoscoping I used in almost all of my editing was... pretty piss poor, my ability has improved substantially in eight years, if I were to still do this, it would be redone from the beginning.

Title: Utena (Story of a Girl) REMASTER
Source: Shoujo Kakumei Utena
Song: Story of a Girl by Nine Days
Started work: Feb 14, 2008.
Status: Scrapped.
Betas? No.
Info: Probably deserves an entirely new video. The concept is still solid, but the execution of my first released video was... bad. Really bad. It was still one of the only Utena videos at the time, so it was more widespread than it deserved.

Title: Lucky Charms
Source: Lucky Star
Song: Party Affair by DJ WoozyBoozy
Started work: Sometime in 2006, probably.
Status: Scrapped.
Betas? No.
Info: Could still work, maybe, but I don't care.

Title: Robot Girl REMASTER
Source: Boku no Marie
Song: Robot Girl by Was (Not Was)
Started work: December 16, 2008.
Status: Scrapped.
Betas? No. Go download the original.
Info: This is a remaster of someone else's video, and as such ranks pretty low on my priority list.

Title: Taisho Style!
Source: Taisho Yakyuu Musume
Song: Gangnam Style by Psy
Started Work: 2013?
Status: I declare it done and release it.
Betas? The entire beta is probably going to be whole video.
Info: Amusing, but just not amusing enough.

Title: 新しい故郷, Atarashii Furusato (A New Hometown)
Source: Orange
Song: Where You Belong by Kari Kimmel
Started work: September, 2016.
Status: Storyboarding
Betas? Nope. Nothing on the timeline.
Info: Character profile of Kakeru and the attempts of the others to change their fates and welcome him to their hometown.

Started: November, 2012.
Betas? Three of them, sent to specific editors.

On the subject of written down/storyboarded ideas, anyone who follows my Utena videos should know I have plans to release videos for all of the Black Rose duelists, to be considered a "set."

I'm debating Kanae altogether. She only exists for a limited timeframe essentially and is not well fleshed out as a character. Compared to the complexity of the characterisations of the others, she's not even in the same league. Maybe if I hit upon something that just screams to me, or if I feel compelled to keep her as part of the set...

I admit, I like the Black Rose crew way more than the Student Council. I'd totally watch a show where their positions were reversed...

From left to right: Wakaba, Kanae, Kozue, Keiko, Shiori, Tsuwabuki. Mikage Souji and Mimiya Chida are seated, but will likely not be given their own videos as part of this set. Maybe a combined video to highlight their relationship.

Duelist: Shinohara Wakaba
Description: Utena's best friend, and the token super-energetic Japanese school girl. Her crush on Saionji is the catalyst that launches the series in the first episode. Wakaba's duel is called "limite."
Title: Currently Untitled
Song: Bitter by Jill Sobule
Status: Storyboarding.

Duelist: Takatsuki Shiori
Description: A "friend" from Juri's past, she returns to Ohtori just in time to duel as a Black Rose Duelist, her duel being "jalousis." She's the source of of Juri's torment; as Juri puts it, she's "cruelly innocent." As much as Juri loves Shiori, Shiori hates and despises Juri, using Juri's own feelings against her.
Title: Shadow
Song: Beautiful by JoyDrop
Status: Completed.

Duelist: Kaoru Kozue
Description: Miki's twin sister, and a particularly manipulative character. Her past with Miki is up for discussion, and her obsession with possessing him is probably accurately defined as psychotic. Her duel is called "attache."
Title: Boy at the Piano
Song: Eric's Song by Vienna Teng
Status: Completed.

Duelist: Tsuwabuki Mitsuru
Tsuwabuki is, simply put, one of Nanami's more valuable minions. With serious maturity issues which mirror those of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, he will do anything to be "grown up" like Nanami's big brother, Touga. He acts like a servant to Nanami, and when he finally snaps, does so as a Black Rose Duelist, his duel being "impatience." He is my favorite Utena character (Miki is my favorite of the Student Council members), and I use his name on several other websites (I was also called Kiobuki on Alt.Fan.Sailor-Moon and Alt.Fan.Utena for my supposed similarity to this character).
Title: Untitled
Song: Currently considering options.
Status: Pre-planning.

Duelist: Sonoda Keiko
Description: One of Nanami's three henchmen (the other two being Aiko and Yuuko), Keiko's teen girl crush on Touga causes her to wait on his overbearing sister like a slave, in the hopes, small as they may be, that Touga will catch a glimpse of her. Her Black Rose duel is titled "dépendance."
Titled: Untitled
Song: Unchosen
Status: Not planned.

Duelist: Ohtori Kanae
Description: Kanae is the daughter of the Chairman of the Board of Ohtori Academy, and engaged to Akio. She harbors a concealed hatred of Anthy, due to the alienation she feels around her. She senses there's *something* between Akio and Anthy that she just can't seem to get out of them. This frustration comes out of her in the Black Rose duel "aliéation."
Title: Untitled
Song: Unchosen
Status: Possibly scrapped. Depends on how interesting she can be made to seem.
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Re: What Are You Editing? III

Post by Qyot27 » Fri Oct 07, 2016 12:53 am

Pretty much the same as the last time, actually.

Title: Turbulence (tentative)
Source: Clannad After Story: Kyou Chapter, (will be) bits from the main series
Song: The Last Dance - "Flesh"
Started: July 2009
Status: Stalled since July 2009
Betas: Not even remotely.
Info: I did get the Blu-rays and did start the process of prepping the clips in 2014 and 2015. Got the parts that I'd already had in 2009 redone, then stalled out around the beginning of After Story while scrubbing the rest of the series for clips to fill the gaps with. Got a new mini-PC with much better performance but hardly any storage space to work with, so it didn't really help.

I also did remaster Daybreak with the Blu-rays, but just haven't gotten around to uploading it here or to my Mediafire account.

The compiling and FOSS contributions that cut into my editing time/motivation have ratcheted up since 2012, though. Also got a job that diverts my attention, even though it's only part time/flex.
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Re: What Are You Editing? III

Post by Kionon » Fri Oct 07, 2016 1:10 am

Yeah, mine hasn't changed substantially either, just added more stuff. I think I'll toss betas from the scrapped projects into a SAST (Short Attention Span Theatre) release or something.
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Re: What Are You Editing? III

Post by exkcal » Fri Oct 07, 2016 1:24 am

Oooh, My first year of editing has almost come full circle so I might as well do a write up all of my projects completed or not. So here it goes, I guess I will try to put them in an chronological time line but no promises.

Title: Try Again
Source: Steins;Gate
Song: Mudflow - Sense of Me
Started work: November 2015
Status: Completed
Info: My first edit, It isn't very serious but I am still happy with it. Has a color issue I figure out how to fix later. The flow and mood of the AMV is still my favorite style of AMV I edit. 1 hour edit.

Title: This Night
Source: Rebuild of Evangelion
Song: Black Lab - This Night
Started work: November 2015
Status: Completed
Info: I believe I mad this a week after my first AMV. I consider this my first real attempt at an AMV. There is some nice syncing in this one but a lot is off. The color issue is still present. I've tried remastering and remaking this video but I felt like my energy is better spent on a new project. I might revisit this next year.

Title: Way to Fall
Source: Rebuild of Evangelion
Song: Metal Gear Solid 3 - Way to Fall
Started work: November 2015
Status: Completed
Info: Another single day edit. This was mostly just playing around with 720p footage I picked up. I am not too happy with the end result. Most likely will be removed one day.

Title: Spanish Sahara
Source: End of Evangelion
Song: Foals - Spanish Sahara
Started work: December 2015
Status: Completed Remaster
Info: This was the first AMV that took me night and day to complete, mostly because of its length, Almost 7 minutes! I am extremely fond of this AMV and I still consider it my best. It sums up everything I love about Evangelion. I still try to top this one. There is actually 3 betas I released for this AMV. One that was around 2 minutes which is almost identical to the first 2 minutes of the final release. The second version is very similar to the final version but the ending is completely redone with feed back from /r/Evangelion. My My official AMV Announcement had some pretty spectacular feedback and only drove me to try my hardest and continue to try to impress. Also was an Honorable Mention in CrackTheSky's 2015 amv retrospect list which still hypes me up.

Title: Do you feel it?
Source: Rebuild of Evangelion
Song: Chaos Chaos - Do you feel it
Started work: January 2016
Status: Cancelled
Info: My first failure. I didn't fully realize what I liked in AMVs so I just mindlessly made this mess. It has some nice things in it but in the end it just ends up being a garbage amv. 2 weeks wasted on this.

Title: N/A
Source: Berserk (1997); Berserk Golden Age Arc Movies (2012)
Song: Snow Patrol - The Lightning Strike
Started work: January 2016
Status: Hiatus
Info: The video flopped for a couple reason, mostly due to my inexperience with voice overs and creating a solid flow in a video. I re imaging the video later on.

Title: Can you feel my heart?
Source: Berserk Golden Age Arc Movies (2012)
Song: Bring Me the Horizon - Can You Feel My Heart?
Started work: February 2016
Status: Cancelled
Info: In my opinion another really good song anime combo but was ruined due to my inexperience. May return back to it, not being able to complete this really put a damper on things.

Title: Yesterday
Source: End of Evangelion ; Neon Genesis Evangelion
Song: Ato X Eden - Space
Started work: February 2016
Status: Completed
Info: This was created for the first week of the org hosted AMV Roulette. It ranked pretty high and I am proud of it. It also was an honorable mention at NDK 2016. I am a fan of the flow and song of this AMV but I wish the ending was better.

Title: N/A
Source: Perfect Blue
Song: Garry Go - Cinema
Started work: March 2016
Status: Hiatus
Info: This was supposed to be my second week entry for AMV Roulette. Never finished it but I am fond of the idea. I believe a really great atmosphere can be created using the song and anime combo. I hope to finish it one day.

Title: Traitor
Source: Rebuild of Evangelion
Song: Danger Silent - 9909
Started work: March 2016
Info: My 3rd week entry for AMV Roulette. Not to happy with it but for some reason it has the most views on my channel. Not much to say here.

Title: As your time draws near
Source: End of Evangelion ; Neon Genesis Evangelion
Song: Akihiro Honda - Quiet's Theme
Started work: March 2016
Status: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3WaJIfjwcE]Completed[/url]
Info: I am really fond of this video. I made it pretty fast and completing it really made me feel like I improved as an editor. The syncing is decent and the flow makes the video very easy to watch. I am also a huge fan of metal gear solid so being able to use another song in an Evangelion AMV made me happy.

Took a couple month break out of frustration

Title: I don't have to see your right now
Source: Your Lie in April
Song: Local Natives - Mt Washington
Started work: May 2016
Status: Completed
Info: This AMV really sucked the soul out of me. I spent around a month on it and a couple weeks scattered around until July when I finally released it. I was never happy how no matter how much work I put into my AMVs they will still always be easily edited in one day if all of my ideas transferred into the video while editing. Overall happy with it but I don't know if I will ever edit another YLIA video ever again.

Title: Help Yourself
Source: End of Evangelion ; Neon Genesis Evangelion
Song: Bryde - Help Yourself
Started work: July 2016
Status: Completed
Info: This was the first AMV I made after I moved. i don't know if there is much to say but the end result passes in my books. This video is another benchmark in my editing abilities for how smoothly everything went together as I edited. Around a 1 1/2 week editing period.

Title: Berserk Narration (Title Pending)
Source: Berserk (1997) ; Berserk Golden Age Arc Movies (2012)
Song: Snow Patrol - The Lightning Strike
Started work: September 2016
Status: WIP
Info: This is a reimagining of an amv cancelled earlier on the list. Most people cant stand the english dub I am a fan of dubbed Berserk so I decided to work with it. I think that this version is worlds better than the original. I am still working on it and am waiting for a burst of creativity to finish it. I did some cool tricks like using dialogue audio from the Berserk movies and using lip flaps to put over the decades older 1997 version. I hope I can make it so even dub haters can tolerate it but it is probably a stretch.

Title: N/A
Source: End of Evangelion
Song: Low Roar - I Keep Coming
Started work: August 2016
Status: WIP
Info: I saw a lot of people attempt a low roar - i keep coming eva amv and most of them failed so I decided to try it. The preview is an early WIP but I am slowly going to finish this one, I want to do it right.

Title: goodbye
Source: End of Evangelion ; Neon Genesis Evangelion
Song: Apparat - Goodbye
Started work: August 2016
Status: WIP
Info: I am pretty excited about this one. I found the song while re watching Breaking Bad. I am trying my hardest to make sure it is interesting to watch. More soon on this one.

I am excited for you guys to see my WIP become full videos in the coming months! I am going to go ice my fingers. I am sure there is errors please excuse them.


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Re: What Are You Editing? III

Post by Kionon » Fri Oct 07, 2016 5:21 am

That's a LOT of Eva! You are to Eva what I am to Utena.
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Re: What Are You Editing? III

Post by TritioAFB » Fri Oct 07, 2016 9:44 am

I'm not going to reveal too much info about this but I'll resume it in a pic:
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Re: What Are You Editing? III

Post by exkcal » Fri Oct 07, 2016 11:59 am

Kionon wrote:That's a LOT of Eva! You are to Eva what I am to Utena.
Man there is a lot of attempts on none eva stuff that I couldnt salvage enough information to consider it a real attempt. I'll be sticking with eva and berserk for now haha.

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Re: What Are You Editing? III

Post by Mr Pilkington » Fri Oct 07, 2016 9:56 pm

I will not apologize
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Re: What Are You Editing? III

Post by Tigrin » Fri Oct 07, 2016 10:15 pm

TritioAFB wrote:I'm not going to reveal too much info about this but I'll resume it in a pic:
Spoiler :
Been there, done that.

I've got some videos lined up over the next few months that I'm going to work on, mostly to practice editing action (gulp). Currently working on a video for AtLA. Next up is a Yu-Gi-Oh video.

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Re: What Are You Editing? III

Post by jt_x » Sat Oct 08, 2016 8:48 am

I'm working on watamote video for the 9.11 project :D


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