New user on the forums, have some questions.

General discussion of Anime Music Videos
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New user on the forums, have some questions.

Post by VibesEdits » Thu Oct 13, 2016 2:33 pm

Hey guys, I am a new user on this forum as I just came across the website. I have been editing off and on, from AMVs to music edits in general. I've been editing for the past 4-5 years and after seeing many awesome and polished AMVs I wanted to take my skill to the next level and "join the ranks". I was wondering if this forum can be used to help me out in any way as I am lacking the knowledge on some stuff to make a good AMV. Do I just post here and ask for effect help? Do I message people privately? I've been looking for a community to help me and bounce ideas back and forth with and I hope this is the one, thanks!

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Re: New user on the forums, have some questions.

Post by Kireblue » Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:41 pm

Welcome to the org |:> . There are lots of places on this site to get help. If you want to get feedback on your videos, you can either announce them in the AMV Announcement forum (after you catalog your entry first) or post work in progress versions of them in the Opinion exchange forum.

And if you want technical help, you can ask questions in the editing and technology forum

also make sure to check out the site faq here ... 5&t=125099
and the new user faq here ... 2&t=111524


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