AMV request?

General discussion of Anime Music Videos
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AMV request?

Post by Merlin_The_Ninja_Frog » Mon Jan 02, 2017 10:57 am

So I'm pretty new to this site so I'm not sure if requesting someone for a AMV is normal? Or frowned upon or something? But anyways if anybody ever has the time or interest, Ive been dieing to see a Naruto -The Last Movie AMV with the song Aishiteru by Monkey Majik (English Version)... I'd Love to try to make one myself but just don't have the time to try anytime soon. I would love to get in to making AMV's at some point though. But again if this is a weird thing to do on this site, my bad. I just think the song and the movie would make a great AMV for someone to work on!


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