An Idea for a FMA Video for "When You Think of Me"

General discussion of Anime Music Videos
Yuki Rox My Sox
Joined: Tue May 31, 2005 10:52 am
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An Idea for a FMA Video for "When You Think of Me"

Post by Yuki Rox My Sox » Wed Jun 22, 2005 10:18 pm

I just wanted to know if it seemed like a good idea to use the song " When You Think of Me" for a romance video for Ed and Winry of FMA. Feel free to leave jeers and cheers for the idea, as long as it's feed back!!
Death is not something to be feared but embraced. For once you embrace death you escape fear. -Michael

I hate to admit I'm bitter
But while the whole world loves her
I just wanna hit her- Saving Jane

The King of Cups expects a picnic but it is not his birthday?-Drusilla


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