Heero Yuy84 is going to hate me, but...(2 Gundam AMV ideas)

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Android raptor
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Heero Yuy84 is going to hate me, but...(2 Gundam AMV ideas)

Post by Android raptor » Mon Apr 17, 2006 8:13 pm

1. Various Gundam series to "The Bad Touch" by The Bloodhound gang: I dunno', I kinnda' want to see an AMV that salutes all the perverted/hormonally driven Gundam characters out there (and there are plenty, IMHO). With some yaoi, I might add (Hell, I came up with the idea by watching Yuri and Ghinius in episode 4 of 08th). And if that doesn't get to you, Heero...

2. Ghinius-centered 08th AMV to Nirvana's "You Know You're Right". Came up with this idea years ago. Basically, I want to see all (or most) of the footage from Shuddering Mountain Pt II (episode 11), and want it to be centered on what's going on with Ghinius, ending with his death. The song KIND OF fits, because it's about things coming apart and ending. But I don't know; I don't have the means to make an AMV (yet), anyone want to try?


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