All 10s just as bad as all 1s?

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All 10s just as bad as all 1s?

Post by Cornwiggle » Thu Aug 24, 2006 12:40 pm

I'm sure everyone has seen at least one person who just all 10s every video and gives it a 5 each time, just as how there are people who all 1s for everything. Well, I can see how flaming is a bit worse, you know insulting, but still don't you think giving all 10s "Just to make people feel good" is stupid too? What's the point of giving an OP if you're just going to lie and lick their butt like that when you don't even really mean it?

And just like with the flaming OPs, you can tell the pimping OPs basically from first glance too.

"I love you!!!
<3 <3 <3" for 80000 pages or
"Good: It
Bad: Was
General: Cool"

What I'm saying is, isn't it better to disable someone's OPs (at least so they don't count) if you see they have maybe....20 all 10s in their stats. I mean I've seen one profile 200+ OPs all 10s...ALL 10s. And just like with all 1s, does that not taint the overall stats as well, giving praise when it may not be deserved?

What do you all think?

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Post by Bebop0083 » Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:02 pm

We have a double standard, it's okay to all 10 a video saying nothing but garbage, but you can't give 1s even if you say WHY

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Post by Tash » Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:06 pm

Who fucking cares!

YOU DO and don't know why

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Post by Arigatomina » Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:08 pm

With all 1s ops, you're leaving them to be mean. People naturally leave ops for videos they like, so anyone who goes out of their way to leave all 1s on videos they hate is doing it to be spiteful. That's why those ops can be deleted as 'flames' - they're usually attacks on the creator. All 10s don't attack anything.

The top and bottom scoring ops are ignored for the top ten list. If we started ignoring even more ops, we wouldn't have enough videos with ops to even make a list. The top vids on the list have lots of ops, but most of them are all 10 ops - that's why they're at the top of the list. Because everyone who ops them loves them.

All 10s is the fanboy reaction. It isn't dishonest to leave a perfect score on your favorite video. If you saw flaws in the video, it wouldn't seem perfect to you, right? So those who only op the videos they love (most reviewers on this site) tend to have a lot of all 10s ops. That doesn't make them dishonest, it makes them poor judges. Most reviewers of this site are poor judges. The good judges hardly review at all.


A lot of fake accounts would be ignored if we decided to blacklist those all-10s and all-1s reviewers. But a lot of eager new members would be ignored, too, when all they're doing is lavishing praise on their favorite editors.

It's their opinion that tells us which video on the site is the most popular (the best). If reviewers aren't allowed to honestly pick their favorite videos (with the best op score possible - since it's their favorite), then we'd never know which videos are the most popular. The top 10 list would have nothing but four or five vids that had just enough 'high-average' ops to qualify and even those few vids would end up losing over half their op count. If you ignore all the 10s reviews and you ignore most of the ops the favorite vids on this site have gotten - meaning you kill the score since the top 10 score is based one-third on op count alone.

Despite how quick it is to leave a "all 10s" "it's perfect and I love it" op, there are still few ops compared to the number of videos here. There aren't enough ops given on average to suddenly start ignoring 80% of them. If we're looking to weed out the poor judges, we should just be honest about it and make a top list where qualified judges pick their favorites and all other opinions on the matter are ignored. You can already do this in part - by using the 'creator' filter. The scores take an immediate dive and most of the vids are knocked off the list.

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Post by Tash » Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:11 pm

I wish I could give your post all 1s

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Post by Cornwiggle » Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:13 pm

Arigatomina wrote:With all 1s ops, you're leaving them to be mean. People naturally leave ops for videos they like, so anyone who goes out of their way to leave all 1s on videos they hate is doing it to be spiteful. That's why those ops can be deleted as 'flames' - they're usually attacks on the creator.
That's not always true though. I'm sure you've seen some REALLY bad vids, and you check it out because you think "Oh hey, that could be good" but it isn't.

Again with the reality of the all 10s, I seriously doubt any vid here is THAT perfect, so original you want to watch it all day long. Audio and visual, sure that's easy to get high scores on, but even on stuff people may LOVE the video but they're just pusing it to 10 (even though it may not be true) just because the LOVE it so much. I thought the whole point of Opinions was know.

And back to the vid you download that you think would be good and it just...sucked on so many levels, and you give it all 1s (again it's hard to find a vid THAT bad, just one being THAT perfect) and you give you perfectly logical reasons as to why you gave that vid a 1 for this area and that one. How is that still flaming? You're giving your OP to the creator in hopes that they will approve, but the vid you watched just sucked.

All 1s is not always just a flame. If 1s are considered to flame, why do we even have them? It's stupid.

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Post by Bebop0083 » Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:21 pm

All 1s is not always just a flame. If 1s are considered to flame, why do we even have them?
agreed. if a video really sucks and give them all ones and explain the reasons why it really sucks then it shouldnt be labled as an attack and just constructive critisim. some people are just very harsh when it comes to reviewing videos. some are more openly and dont really care about creator's feelings but as long as the review is honest with explanations then it shouldnt really matter.

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Post by genestarwind21122 » Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:23 pm

I have never given anything below a 3. In order to get a 1 or 2 your video had to do something completly, or there the lack of, ridiculous. I mean honestly if I gave you a 1 or 2 in action sync that means obviously nothing at all synched up and that the video had nothing to do with the song. The lowest I've given has been a 3 I think. And that was only once in action sync. Normally I'm in the 4-9 range. I give 10's on occassions where in action sync the video is flawless.

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Post by Dark_Sith » Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:25 pm

Tash wrote:I wish I could give your post all 1s

Hmm, I've gotten pretty shitty scores, and I don't complain. The world isn't a nice place.

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Post by Arigatomina » Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:27 pm

Cornwiggle wrote:And back to the vid you download that you think would be good and it just...sucked on so many levels, and you give it all 1s (again it's hard to find a vid THAT bad, just one being THAT perfect) and you give you perfectly logical reasons as to why you gave that vid a 1 for this area and that one. How is that still flaming? You're giving your OP to the creator in hopes that they will approve, but the vid you watched just sucked.

All 1s is not always just a flame. If 1s are considered to flame, why do we even have them? It's stupid.
All 1s ops are only deleted if they're accompanied by text proving they were done for spite, to attack the creator. If there are legitimate all 1s ops, you never see them because the creators don't report them in the forum. Not all 1s ops are automatically gotten rid of, it's just the ones you see people complaining about - because they're openly flaming.

I've given a lot of ops, a few of which honestly deserved all 10s. I break down the scores, so I have a clear level of comparison from vid to vid. Some vids are perfect on all the technical aspects, show an outrageous amount of effort, make me so fangirlishly giddy I watch them on repeat for days after downloading them, and have nothing in them that I'd change. That's a 10 in every category - honest and deserved. It's rare for me to find a vid like that, but it has happened.

On the other hand I've never found a video that honestly deserved 1s in every category. I've reviewed 2mb rm dbz vids and even they didn't deserve a 1 for audio. It's amazingly difficult to earn a 1 for audio. Having a rare 1-audio combined with the equally difficult 1 for video is even more rare. And then finding a vid that deserves a 1 for effort? Nearly impossible. I've only found one vid that deserved a 1 for effort and that was because it was someone else's video - the creator just changed the audio and reposted it. That's zero for effort, so it got a 1. Any other video at least deserves a 3+ because anyone who manages to edit a bit of a music video put in the minimum effort (2) and then some.

I can give 1s for reviewability a lot, honestly, but trying to defend an op giving 1s to everything is impossible for me. I just haven't found a video technically bad enough for scores like that. Not outside of the streaming sites - and even they would average a 3 for capture quality (really bad, but still visible). A 1 would be the absolute worst. A 1 for capture would be a video so poorly compressed you can't see it at all. I haven't run across that to date.


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