Anime Audio in AMV's.

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Anime Audio in AMV's.

Post by EvaFan » Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:45 pm

What are y'allz (pardn ma acceeeentt) thoughts on having anime audio in AMV's?

I think to me, audio from the anime can make an amv more unique if done creatively. To me this would be an especially creative idea if people created a trailer parody. For example: They find some intense instrumental piece that fits the theme of the trailer you plan on doing, then you use sounds, FX, verbal audio, etc from the anime on the instrumental piece to make a trailer parody (a trailer for the anime that has a different story-line in comparison to the real one, basically blow what they are saying out of proportion).

I think it could be used well in an action amv at times maybe for explosions, gun shots, punches, sword slashes etc... The problem is not to overdo it or overpower the music maybe?

Drama and romance video's would be difficult. Using certain key phrases from the characters being focused on that link the characters from the anime to the music. We've heard this kind of thing is dramatic music before. Sort of like watching the end of titanic (forgive me for bringing that movie up just to prove a point -_-) the words being said by the characters are being enhanced by the music and the music is being enhanced by their words. However, I don’t think this should be used very often in drama/romance amv's.

Dance would probably be the hardest to implement any kind of usefulness from the anime audio. If you did find a way and it worked... Well let's just say your pretty creative. I could imagine maybe using audio from the anime during the parts after a chorus where there is usually only music but not during the actual singing. This is kind of difficult to discuss though because lately people have been syncing action to dance amv's which isn't necessarily a bad thing. So gunshots, explosions, etc would work here too maybe?

There are other genre's but the overall idea is the fact that its a possibility for originality and creativity.

Have you ever used anime audio in an amv? Do you hate it? If done creatively and uniquely do you think you could enjoy it? Thoughts?
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Post by BasharOfTheAges » Wed Oct 10, 2007 2:12 pm

Almost every time i've seen it done it was executed poorly if that's any indication. Given the strangely high number of people that complain that the guides here don't tell you how to grab audio as well as video it must not be that original of a concept either. Also, most cons ban dub audio from their contests/showings for reasons of plausible deniability.
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Post by BurningLeaves » Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:04 pm

Iv tried it once and it came out pretty bad. I don't think its a bad idea, I just didn't do it right :P in my opinion the best video iv seen that used the original dialogue was:

Because not only did I not mind that it was there I thought it really added to the video and the editor did it quite well.

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Post by JaddziaDax » Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:14 pm

the only time I've done it was on a non-anime video O.o

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Post by taifunbrowser » Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:28 pm

get Stellvia - Prime Time... flawless execution of this practice IMO

I'm currently going to local conventions with a dance video I made with foleyed, but not anime, audio of me and friends stomping on the floor... To be honest its not perfect, and the first thing you do is to make it soft so it doesn't overopwer the song.

but yes, I think creativity to play with the audio needs to be embraced: why limit yourself?

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Post by -MD » Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:51 pm

I haven't seen it done often...if you do it right it will definitly increase the morale of your vid. I was thinking about giving it a try on my next vid because just starting off the song would be kind of...a dull intro. Doing it at the begining and end to establish a foundation.
Overall it depends on the type of video you do/ the idea you have...

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Post by kikai_saigono » Wed Oct 10, 2007 5:04 pm

I've seen it done a few times and didn't really like the outcome in most of them. There was one that was executed kinda nicely, and I liked it:
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Post by Adv1sor » Wed Oct 10, 2007 6:12 pm

I did a little in "Life is Pain."

A little is fun, a lot if parody...

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Re: Anime Audio in AMV's.

Post by SarahtheBoring » Wed Oct 10, 2007 6:17 pm

I don't mean to demean your question - it's a fine question - but:
Eva-Fan wrote:I think to me, [XYZ and kittens] can make an amv more unique if done creatively. the answer to all of these questions, IMO. OK, maybe replace "unique" with "good" or "sparkly" or "fruit-flavored" sometimes, and "creatively" with "creatively and well."

But yes. Anything done right can be good. Anything done badly can be bad. *thumbs-up*

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Post by Knowname » Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:21 pm

I did this ALOT, but... see thing is this just brings about a whole new copyrite infringement case :/ so I couldn't enter my vids into certain cons and when told why I'm a little leary on even adding dubs in any more. HOWEVER, nothing's stopping you on making your own dub, I did that on Corn and SHIT, a famous example would be the ending of Skittles.

I SERIOUSLY encourage playing with the audio! Speed up the song (I did the its over 5000 thing before it was popular...)! Add your own lines/ SFX! BE CREATIVE! Seriously, if it sounds good, anything goes.


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