I have not uploaded videos, so i cannot help her. Can any of you tell me what her problem is?
This is the editor on YouTube that first introduced me to AMVs, so it is very important to me that she joins.Eltintorojo wrote:To be honest, I've already signed up for an account there a year or two ago. I never really surf the site nor go on the forums- I use it to mainly download AMVs I see at cons. Here's the kicker: I've tried uploading my AMVs there tones of times, but the FTP server is always a butt and won't let me connect XD. I gave up trying to upload long ago but because of your message, I tried uploading several times tonight. No dice. I've asked a few friends about it, but they were of little help because they really don't use the Org to upload much anymore.
I've always wanted to get more involved with the org, but never really got a chance because my many tries with many FTP clients to upload the AMVs failed in epic proportions. However, I'll promise you that I'll keep trying (and try harder from now on) to figure out how to work the whole uploading process as well as navigate the site more.