Hello.Newb Here.HELP MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

General discussion of Anime Music Videos
Joined: Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:48 pm
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Hello.Newb Here.HELP MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

Post by culacula14 » Tue Aug 04, 2009 6:25 pm

Ok I've never made an AMV before.I've watched them.Oh yeah!BUt haven't made one and now I want to.Simple No?It's for a school project.So here's my newb of a question.How?! :cry:

Okay bad question...too broad lets go step by step...

How do you "rip" and "capture" from DVD'S?
What do you do after the "ripping" and "capturing"?
Do I need to get a program to "rip" and "capture"?
Where can I get it?
What are some good movie making programs(cheap please and no windows thank you)?
Where can I get it?
Is it like illegal to *whispers* download anime clips...?

and oh yeah HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is all.
Cula Cloverman,Master of Mischief

[MOD 403: Please don't crosspost topics. Here's the other topic. Yes, downloading anime clips is not only illegal but also against the org <a href="http://www.animemusicvideos.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=289">Forum Rules</a>]


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