Scene database?

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Scene database?

Post by Ellderon » Fri Aug 14, 2009 9:42 am

I know I'm coming out of the blue with this, but the idea is rather simple. There's a LOT of anime out there that can be used to make good amv's. But getting those animes and extracting useful scenes would take obscene amounts of time and money that no one has. No ONE person has that is.

So, the gist of this is as follows.
Everyone picks an anime.
He then makes a video compilation of the best scenes fitting a certain theme and uploads them somewhere (YouTube works).
So Joe makes a compilation of the best fight/action scenes from Beserk an uploads them as Beserk_ActionScenes_1 (if there's more files), Bob does the same, but picks dramatic scenes (Beserk_DramaticScenes_1), Mike takes on Escaflowne and romantic scenes (Escaflowne_RomanticScenes_1), etc..

What you get is a database of good scenes from all over the anime world, for your pickings.
Kinda makes finding the right stuff for an AMV a lot easier - all you need is some YouTube downloader and you're golden.
- Tolkien and Escaflowne fan -

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The Origonal Head Hunter
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Re: Scene database?

Post by The Origonal Head Hunter » Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:13 am

I believe this would fall under the category in the Forum Rules of "requesting downloads for footage", which is against the rules.

As well, stuff ripped from the Tube will have less than average quality and when you have many different people uploading many different scenes, you'll never be sure you're getting EXACTLY what you want. Ripping doesn't take that much time at all and you've got all the footage you may want or need right there, including the scenes someone else may see as useless junk.

[MOD 403: I agree that this is against the rules. Topic locked.]
RonnieDaking wrote:i like my anime like I like my women, from japan and speaking english


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