I was expecting as bear... or a magnet.... welcome! o.0Liquid_Polar wrote:Hola o.o there is'nt much bout me ta say cept I love anime o.O and I recently been kicked out of home -.- now living with meh mum whos on the benefit and can't afford ta give me the cash for a haircut, besides that I got nothing to do all day since I got no cash or job, noone will accept me >.< not for a while anyway and I don't go ta school either 'cos I can't afford it so I've made this my new forum ta 'live' on depends how interested I am I guess =\
I join just ta talk ta Clara 'cos she seems so nice n_n ah well I'm here now so expect ta see more of me O.o...I gotta gets me an avatar, I'll just add my vash one from the old forum I was at for now...
Hey look its a walking on two legs talking pola bea =O
- Sub0
- Joined: Fri Nov 16, 2001 4:32 pm
- Location: a small cabin on the edge of sanity
Re: Hey look its a walking on two legs talking pola bea =O
- Liquid_Polar
- Joined: Wed Jan 22, 2003 7:05 am
So did I get a special welcome o.O if so..thanks *blinks a lil unsure*Lyrs wrote:Welcome and on behalf of the MODs and Phade who usually don't officially welcome all the new members, Hi and please pay up your donations.
Donations???O_o I'm as poor as hell, I'm asking ppl to donate me just a dollar a night so I can go back to school! Then after that I can get a real job and I could pay you donations if I'm happy with ya site which I am and once I get a brand new comp I'm gonna make lots of AMV's and I got a really cool idea as well

Ummm, if you want to eat me I guess O.o but I get to eat you =P *pulls out a big long contract* just sign here, here and there.ryu amata wrote:Hmmmm.... polar bears........... they eat meat......... i eat meat........... can i eat you?....... meat is good........... yum!
I attend school now and am too busy ta spend much time here =\ so ya, ya hardly gonna see me much..
- Anime Jedi
- Joined: Sun May 19, 2002 11:16 am
- Location: Wandering Aimlessly (Canada)
Does this mean you guys eat chunk by chunk, or one eat the other, and the other eats from the inside out? 

- Liquid_Polar
- Joined: Wed Jan 22, 2003 7:05 am
If someone was to eat someone and have the eaten eat them from the inside its a lil hard, they would have to eat them whole and resist the urge to chew them up, while the the eaten starts eating from the inside they will attempt to empty the stomach of the acids curretly breaking them down so the eaten may be digested, kinda like being eaten a 2nd time =\
So I think it'd be chunk by chunk o.o but it is a fine art you must keep the eaten alive as much as possible so your bites must be precise so there is'nt much blood lost and they are still able to bite and if possible swallow so they can bite once more and so on...
So I think it'd be chunk by chunk o.o but it is a fine art you must keep the eaten alive as much as possible so your bites must be precise so there is'nt much blood lost and they are still able to bite and if possible swallow so they can bite once more and so on...
I attend school now and am too busy ta spend much time here =\ so ya, ya hardly gonna see me much..
- Liquid_Polar
- Joined: Wed Jan 22, 2003 7:05 am
T.T why is there no edit button!?!First time I used subject

And hair can look good as long as ya can afford to treat it well, I have very slight curls when it gets long enouh

I attend school now and am too busy ta spend much time here =\ so ya, ya hardly gonna see me much..
- ryu amata
- Joined: Sun Dec 01, 2002 9:37 pm
- Location: Georgia
hmmm....... *bites liquid's hand*.......... no contract......... you can't write.......... i think your lying........ bites chunk out of other hand too*........ what do you mean long hair in some places?........
Madness and genius are seperated only by degrees of success.
I don't think necessity is the mother of invention - invention, in my opinion, arises directly from idleness, possibly from laziness. To save oneself trouble.
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.- Plato[/size:9c37a4d335]
I don't think necessity is the mother of invention - invention, in my opinion, arises directly from idleness, possibly from laziness. To save oneself trouble.
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.- Plato[/size:9c37a4d335]