i can say otherwise. at least for the half of my family i know. haven't seen my dad's family since i was 7, and i'm 16 now. so i don't know any of them, and my mom's family has had nothing like that happen. worst thing was my uncle and aunt got separated. just cuz they didn't like eachother i guess.Lyrs wrote:when you think about it, ever member probably has a family story to tell, and especially one if you don't think you have one.
This will probably be the last thread I ever start
- Joined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 8:42 pm
- Lyrs
- Joined: Thu Aug 29, 2002 2:41 pm
- Location: Internet Donation: 5814 Posts
- CaTaClYsM
- Joined: Fri Jul 26, 2002 3:54 am
This is going to make social functions so much more akward. And exactly what does one do about this whole 'overwhelming powerlesnes'?
So in other words, one part of the community is waging war on another part of the community because they take their community seriously enough to want to do so. Then they tell the powerless side to get over the loss cause it's just an online community. I'm glad people make so much sense." -- Tab
- OzzieArcane
- Joined: Sun May 18, 2003 4:33 pm
- Location: Oakstreet
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Although I've never had a problem quite as bad as yours... whenever I feel overwhelmed by something I usually would do something to try and take my mind off of it. After all if you are powerless do do anything about it, thinking about it constantly until you feel like your head is gonna explode isn'g gonna do you any good.... Maybe you should try taking a class about stress management. Maybe that could help you out abit. Since I'm sure you're feeling alot of it right now.CaTaClYsM wrote:This is going to make social functions so much more akward. And exactly what does one do about this whole 'overwhelming powerlesnes'?
- chaoticstormbringer
- Joined: Fri Feb 28, 2003 1:21 am
Nonsense you don't need stress management dude. They usually don't help anyway (been to one before and all they did was stress me out even more.)
You are always going to feel powerless over something your superiors do. Most young ones are and will be. If you want to do the least to help them, then support them. Do you feel happy when your elders that are left feel happy? grandparents as well, you should really think of them as well because in their last years they probably don't want to die knowing that the whole family is miserable, no? I know my grandmother didn't and she died with a smile.
There is one way to become the superior one but its hard work. When I was two my father died and later on my mom found another guy who was an asshole, completely, utterly and royally. It was because of him that I wasn't able to watch anime, only able to listen to classical music and was forced to do stupid assignments on my holidays. The only thing that i thank him for was the growing power of rebellion because when I was seven years old I plotted his destruction. I'm now 17 and it had taken this long to finally show his true colors and make my mother kick him out of my life and hers. The art of this is to make them realise their mistakes by tearing open the shadowed veil that surrounds the badder points of the person and/or relationships.
But then again... I don't follow the normal child rules since I talk back, swear at and have my own way mostly with my mother. And to have persuasive talents and be a damn good liar is also one of the most greatest traits you can have. If you can look somone in the eyes and lie straight out, staring right into those eyes then you'll be set to get about in the world
but Cati, there are better things in life you know? anime... music... movies... books... sex... booze... nightclubs... walking by the femme nudist groups... dancing... singing in the shower... making home videos... beating the shit out of the next door neighbor's dog because it leaped into your yard and pissed over the now dying flowers... making AMVs... throwing eggs at police cars... insulting security officers in japanese while the japanese tourists are about (Sekurite gaadu kun wa chinpo ga arimasen!)... getting almost 3rd degree burns at the beach... trying to figure out the mystery of the universe using a ping pong ball a piece of rope and some chopsticks... and the list goes on.
either way, enjoy life. Just like them japanese do.
You are always going to feel powerless over something your superiors do. Most young ones are and will be. If you want to do the least to help them, then support them. Do you feel happy when your elders that are left feel happy? grandparents as well, you should really think of them as well because in their last years they probably don't want to die knowing that the whole family is miserable, no? I know my grandmother didn't and she died with a smile.
There is one way to become the superior one but its hard work. When I was two my father died and later on my mom found another guy who was an asshole, completely, utterly and royally. It was because of him that I wasn't able to watch anime, only able to listen to classical music and was forced to do stupid assignments on my holidays. The only thing that i thank him for was the growing power of rebellion because when I was seven years old I plotted his destruction. I'm now 17 and it had taken this long to finally show his true colors and make my mother kick him out of my life and hers. The art of this is to make them realise their mistakes by tearing open the shadowed veil that surrounds the badder points of the person and/or relationships.
But then again... I don't follow the normal child rules since I talk back, swear at and have my own way mostly with my mother. And to have persuasive talents and be a damn good liar is also one of the most greatest traits you can have. If you can look somone in the eyes and lie straight out, staring right into those eyes then you'll be set to get about in the world

but Cati, there are better things in life you know? anime... music... movies... books... sex... booze... nightclubs... walking by the femme nudist groups... dancing... singing in the shower... making home videos... beating the shit out of the next door neighbor's dog because it leaped into your yard and pissed over the now dying flowers... making AMVs... throwing eggs at police cars... insulting security officers in japanese while the japanese tourists are about (Sekurite gaadu kun wa chinpo ga arimasen!)... getting almost 3rd degree burns at the beach... trying to figure out the mystery of the universe using a ping pong ball a piece of rope and some chopsticks... and the list goes on.
either way, enjoy life. Just like them japanese do.
- SS5_Majin_Bebi
- Joined: Mon Jul 15, 2002 8:07 pm
- Location: Why? So you can pretend you care? (Brisbane, Australia)
Dude....tell me where I can find more of the bold stuff thats in blue up there wouldya?chaoticstormbringer wrote: but Cati, there are better things in life you know? anime... music... movies... books... sex... booze... nightclubs... walking by the femme nudist groups... dancing... singing in the shower... making home videos... beating the shit out of the next door neighbor's dog because it leaped into your yard and pissed over the now dying flowers... making AMVs... throwing eggs at police cars... insulting security officers in japanese while the japanese tourists are about (Sekurite gaadu kun wa chinpo ga arimasen!)... getting almost 3rd degree burns at the beach... trying to figure out the mystery of the universe using a ping pong ball a piece of rope and some chopsticks... and the list goes on.

- Lyrs
- Joined: Thu Aug 29, 2002 2:41 pm
- Location: Internet Donation: 5814 Posts
and if you look into it further, you'll discover why they probably don't liek each other and sepearted.pyro_256 wrote:i can say otherwise. at least for the half of my family i know. haven't seen my dad's family since i was 7, and i'm 16 now. so i don't know any of them, and my mom's family has had nothing like that happen. worst thing was my uncle and aunt got separated. just cuz they didn't like eachother i guess.Lyrs wrote:when you think about it, ever member probably has a family story to tell, and especially one if you don't think you have one.
- Joined: Thu Dec 26, 2002 2:52 pm
- Location: the Fortress of Doom
Life can very hard at times but in the end it only makes you stronger and a better person; or that is how it is most of the time. If you dont believe me ask Darkyre. Him and I have been though alot lately.....that is if you can find him. 

[img:22d5c67e67]http://www.geocities.com/mandypanda100/ ... py.jpg.txt[/img:22d5c67e67]
- CaTaClYsM
- Joined: Fri Jul 26, 2002 3:54 am
Well my friend and I are both legaly adults. And when I first heard about them running away I swear to god I said, "What the hell were they thinking? This should be beneath them!" My mom talked with my friends dad. She said his voice sounded flat and numb. I always remember him being the nice happy guy, never angry. And now he's crushed. My mom didn't say anything about him feeling angry or betrayed. Just that he wants his wife back. I don't think I can get the guts together to call my friend. I honestly don't know if he even WANTS to talk to be or just be left alone. You know what I mean? alot of the time when something goes wrong, at least with me, I'd rather be left alone to sort things out. And I don't know if that's the case with him right now or if he needs someone to talk to him.
So in other words, one part of the community is waging war on another part of the community because they take their community seriously enough to want to do so. Then they tell the powerless side to get over the loss cause it's just an online community. I'm glad people make so much sense." -- Tab
- kthulhu
- Joined: Thu May 30, 2002 6:01 pm
- Location: At the pony stable, brushing the pretty ponies
I talked to him a few nights ago. He says he's doing pretty good.Noxious Orchid wrote:Life can very hard at times but in the end it only makes you stronger and a better person; or that is how it is most of the time. If you dont believe me ask Darkyre. Him and I have been though alot lately.....that is if you can find him.
As for CaT's problem, I'd suggest talking to your friend. Do it from the most upbeat angle you can think of, and keep the subject of the problem out of the conversation as much as possible (all of this is probably "duh material). If he doesn't want to talk, well, at the very least you'll know that. And I'm sure, no matter, he'd at least subconsciously appreciate the gesture.
Perhaps try to think of something to do that would take this incident off his mind, if just for a little while.
And remember, just because you and your uncle are of the same blood does NOT mean you're also a guilty partner in his crime, as it were. Don't let his action just ruin your friendship with your friend, at least, not without a good go at keeping it going.
Anyhow, good luck. It sounds like a very awful situation for all involved.
I'm out...