Sometimes, when I feel like I have no friends or that I'm not loved, I might think there is no God, but I always wind up going back to the conclusion that there is. You don't have to believe 100% of the time that he's there to obey him 100%.
Take it like this. If a mother thought there was a 50% chance that her child was gonna run in the street, would she put 50% effort into stopping her child? She'd probably put all of her effort into it.
The thing that people don't seem to realize is that everybody is a sinner (before you flame me, read the rest!
) Sinning is just not obeying God, or those in authority over you. I'm pretty sure that everybody has done that at some point. Although, in God's eyes, all sins are the same, no sin is greater than another. Lying to somebody, and killing somebody is still a sin. The punishments are different, but the fact is both are still considered sin.
However, there was an atonement (payment), made by Jesus (who was the only perfect man to live on earth (perfect as in sinless) because He was God and man in one.) He basically became all of our sin, so that God wouldn't condemn us for our sins. So basically, we're still sinners, just saved by grace.
Note, sinner is used to denote people that have done any type of wrong thing, not like some people might think is meant by singling people out or something... so basically we're all sinners, you just have to put your trust in God, and your set.
That's what I believe anyways, Everybody that's reading this will know the truth for sure as soon as they die.
(that sounded a little too morbic
ps. I'm not one of those people who yells out for no reason, or starts saying stuff you don't know for some reason. I'm just me, who believes in God, and loves Jesus. I don't seduct little boys,
I'm not catholic anyway (or whatever those priests, bishops, whatever, were)
Hope that helped people get their view of me!