A not-newbie newbie

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A not-newbie newbie

Post by fallout161 » Sat Oct 05, 2002 1:17 am

I just joined here, immediately after I finished my first video. I don't have a server or a site, so if anyone knows a good way or two to get my video noticed, let me know ^_^

For my first vid, I used Angelic Layer clips to a remix of the Metal Gear Solid 2 theme, which I remixed (haha.. remixed... I used Premiere), stealing some elements from The Perfect Drug by NIN. The remix turned out great, and I think the vid did too. I spent 50 or more hours on it; over the course of two weeks, I spent all my spare moments on this monstrosity. I even had a dream that I was working on it. Now that... is sick.
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Post by Gatsthedarksword » Sat Oct 05, 2002 1:38 am

you sound like me, don't persue your video published on the web unless you got money to put to it, i did and got beaten up by everbody i asked about free hosting, me, i use kazaa to alow access to my video, which makes it imposible to be a well known video but it's free and i like that.
anyway your a newbie so i'm gonna give you a little advice that all newbies should abide to, keep your head down, keep your ears open and shut up until you have an idea about whats going on here cause you'll probably be treated like a loser if you run around "hey fellas, i am a newbie"-bad idea. anyway, welcome and be careful. i think you'll find that alot of people spend more time than that on thier videos, me i am more modest in my anime adiction but have found myself halfway through a weekend long anime marathon, (which is scary cause i don't think all the anime i own back to back will take a whole weekend to watch) music videos are about perfection and perfection requires time, and work, lots of it.
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Post by Lyrs » Sat Oct 05, 2002 11:03 pm

I love Fallout! Woot! Great game! F2 is even better, still waiting for F3!
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