On-going Sale for Books & DVDS

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On-going Sale for Books & DVDS

Post by f_r_E_a_K » Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:34 pm

[MOD: Bootleg site links removed. Please do not link to these sites, as discussed in the Forum Rules.]

I don't know if those images will show up or not...anyways...it seems like this "sale" will be going on for some time, so don't rush. It seems to have a huge variety. There are some cheaper prices though [for graphic novels] on another site, but they're all in Japanese. :? If you want the site name, PM me.

Oh, and yes, before I forget, does anyone know any sites where you can get Naruto Novelties [plushies, etc.]?! Some people [online] post in their journals how much they just LOVEEEEE their new Naruto Plushies...ergh. Thanks. 8)

[never, EVER buy from the bookstore! Why? Because they always have it at REGULAR price, and you know you can get cheaper deals ONLINE!]


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