New Studio New Site *looking for help*

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New Studio New Site *looking for help*

Post by sexy_beast_1337 » Sun Jun 19, 2005 5:14 pm

Im not sure where I was supposed to put this but if its in the wrong place can the admins kindly move it to the right section of the forum.

Ok First let me say Im not interested in teaming up or merging with other studios I have made this topic for two simple reasons one is to inform everyone about a new studio in the works and to give you some backround information on what were all about. Reason number two is to request some help in what ever anyone would be willing to donate, Id like to add anything donated to us will be credited and Put in a special thanks section on the site. so lets begin

Between last Tuesday and June of next year we will be Building a site which will be somewhat of a super studio. The Site will consist of two branches one The main studio which I shall not mention the name of for legal reasons. This will be the main branch. The main branch will consist of all types of anime media (except amv's) this includes music, movies, episodes, torrents, and so on. The second branch will be the AMV studio. This will only consist of amv's designed by editors who work for ******** Productions and not and or both the main and secondary branch. We currently have a layout ready, one which I am somewhat happy with but we have run into some what of a much bigger issue. The co-owner and myself have found ourselves with the issue of hosting and domain, Two things of which we are going to need. The biggest issue isnt finding them but is purchasing them. Before you go any farther I want to tell you this is in no a favor or a scam we simply ask if at all possable if some people might consider donating hosting services for the time being donating a domain or simply donating cash. I wont be handleing any cash with the site because I dont have paypal and cant get it back so the co-owner will handle that part. He will be getting an account with paypal anytime after tommarow so Ill let everyone know where to send money donations to when he gets the account also if I can I will provide proof of where the money is being spent so you dont have to worry. if anyone is interested in donating anything that might help please pm me here on this forum and I will try to check it daily. If it takes me awhile to respond dont worry Im probebly busy I work for several anime sites so Ill check when I can. One more thing Id like to add as outragious as it sounds we plan on bringing in possaibly 2000+ dollers in donations a month plus the money from the store we will eventually be setting up as well as other things so we have plans of eventually making all the media legal ourselves with all the money. And for those who did not know anime media on the internet was Illegal well I guess you learn something new everyday But don't worry, you enjoy, we shall have things covered.

Thank you for taking the time to read this even if theres nothing you do to help. Ill check back tommarow so dont expect a response from me tonight I have to get back to work. :wink:


[MOD99: This is barely about editing/editors at all. Instead it's mainly for help/donations with your website/business. Because it's little more than spam, I'm locking this thread.]
What ever happend to sex,drugs, and rock and roll now its just cheap hookers, crack, and techno,


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