Rock lee tribute

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Rock lee tribute

Post by KarBer » Fri Aug 03, 2007 4:02 am

Title:No more sorrow Lee! - Tribute
Song: No more sorrow
Artist: Linkin Park
Author: KarBer

This is my first AMV so please be honest and tell me straight up what I have to improve. I hope you like it!

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Post by Tyronial » Sun Aug 12, 2007 12:13 pm

For a first amv, its not the worst I've seen. There were some good bits when the music got faster, but the rest wasn't that exciting.

You should have used more clips, it seems you only really had the 2 fights. Also the quality wasn't that good but I shouldn't talk, the quality of the last amv I made was just as bad as yours. Oh and try keep the subtitles out of the amv, most of the time it was fine but there was also the video converter logo....your probably using a free copy of it.

Rock Lee, well all the characters of naruto have been used for shed loads of amvs. Next time try something more original.

I really shouldn't be criticizing your amv since I'm still new to amvs.

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Post by Daio Kaji » Sun Aug 12, 2007 10:57 pm

ah, the ever popular action tribute
the most important thing about making a music video should always be your own personal satisfaction with your work

as long as you're doing this for yourself, be confident that you've tried your best and represented your capabilities

for this video, you made most of the right choices for what scenes to use, since the song is mostly fast-paced, it's good that you chose scenes that would compliment that

as far as your editing goes, i would suggest working on your sync, i believe most video editing programs have wave diagrams for the audio tracks, for example, in windows movie maker, you can expand the audio track to show the wave diagram

using the wave diagram, you can find out exactly when to sync a beat, and it helps keep the rhythm for your video, i noticed it the most during the drumming segments when you cut really fast, it felt similar, but off-beat to the drumming, so working on action-sync would be my suggestion

and yes, whenever possible, try to use the highest quality footage to start with, mostly because at the end of your editing, your final product many times doesn't look as sharp as your original footage, same goes for audio, with experience, you'll be able to preserve your quality better
If you're reading this, you've gone too far...PREPARE FOR RETRIBUTION!!
Don't judge an AMV by it's anime.. u nooB ;D

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Post by ravent » Sun Aug 12, 2007 11:33 pm

good video...
Last edited by ravent on Sun Aug 12, 2007 11:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by -MD » Sun Aug 12, 2007 11:36 pm

ravent wrote:i thought it was pretty good.... although the cartoon network thing kind of ruined the whole video.... if you can't get a hold of any DVDs with the episodes you need, try using limewire.

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Post by CodeZTM » Sun Aug 12, 2007 11:47 pm

ravent wrote:i thought it was pretty good.... although the cartoon network thing kind of ruined the whole video.... if you can't get a hold of any DVDs with the episodes you need, try using limewire.
It is against stie rules to share how to obtain anime illegally, as you have just done. I would edit/remove that content immidiately.


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