My first two AMVs

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My first two AMVs

Post by PristineSneakers » Tue Sep 25, 2007 9:43 am

I guess I should've done this when I uploaded my first video, but I'm a newb here and have learned to step lightly in those situations >.> Anyway, here they are:

Title - Rei Ayanami - Glory Box
Anime - Neon Genesis Evangelion
Artist - Portishead
Song - Glory Box
Spoilers - Yes
Character profile of Rei Ayanami. My first AMV ever, first time editing anything, and it shows in some ways, but the concept is executed well in my opinion, exactly what I was going for for the most part. I'd like to touch it up one day just for myself.... ... p?v=150068

here is my second video:

Title - Bombs Over Tokyo 3
Anime - Neon Genesis Evangelion
Artist - Outkast
Song - Bombs Over Baghdad (B.O.B.)
Spoilers - Yes
I've obviously gotten much more used to my editing program during the making of this one. This video has less of a concept behind it than my first, it's just an awesome classic tune with an awesome classic anime series. Very fast paced, very matched to the lyrics, but not so much though that it slows things down. The end is FULL of spoilers, so if you plan on watching this series any time soon you may want to pass on this video, or at least the last 2 min and 30 seconds of it. ... p?v=150655

Enjoy! Any constructive feedback would be appreciated, either in this thread or on the video itself. Thank you.[/url]

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Post by Rave_Epic » Tue Sep 25, 2007 4:42 pm

Glory Box: For your first AMV, it wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen. The song didn't really seem to flow that well with Evangelion and since this is a character profile, it didn't really seem to fit Rei. In SOME ways it did, but overall..not feeling it.

I'm not going to get into the technical details because it's your first AMV, but if you feel like stepping up the quality a bit, head over to ... light=zarx


Bombs over Tokyo 3: Given you uploaded both videos with in the same month..I have no idea when you made them. So, I'm gonna assume this one was made pretty quickly considering you used the same footage.

Again..this song just doesn't seem to fit. It seems like you tried to throw in whichever scene you could find to fit the lyrics and that's something I'm not too fond of. While Evangelion may be classic, I don't see a year 2000 single that didn't make it anywhere to be classic. Sorry, but this one failed.


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Post by PristineSneakers » Wed Oct 03, 2007 8:51 pm

Ouch... ok, I figured I'd wait a while and see if there were any other opinions, I was hoping for a little more than 1 dissatisfied customer. I guess I should just respond to the one response I got. I should start by saying, first of all, thanks Rave for even watching the video and taking the time to give a thoughtful and honest opinion on it, whether or not you dig it can't be helped, but there are some things I think maybe I should explain so as to defend my videos (I know they weren't attacked, but it wasn't exactly two thumbs up).

Rei Ayanami - To Be a Woman
I may have made a little bit of a mistake when I called this video a character profile since I wasn't really trying to profile the character Rei Ayanami as she appears in the series, as much as I was using her as the main character in a story (for lack of a better word) of my own that I was trying to tell with the video. While the situation of this girl who is not quite normal (or human) having very feminine feelings/urges might appear to be a representation of Rei at times, my intent was to make more a a video where the main character (wound up being Rei) would come across as the woman singing the song (hence the title), in other words the song comes first, the video is cut to fit, not the other way around. When viewed that way it may make a little more sense. As far as it not fitting the series, or "flowing" with it, the beauty of making a video like this, whether it be anime based or otherwise, is you're putting two things together that may or may not seem like they belong together and making them work, and in order to appreciate it (certain AMVs), the video needs to be approached with an open mind, as something brand new even if it's created using something familiar. If you mean it didn't fit as far as having action sequences over mellow music, all I can say is I'm a fan of that kind of juxtaposition, and so is the creator of this series (it seems) since one of the bloodiest and most violent scenes in the entire thing had Bach's "Air" playing in the background. The action scenes also serve the purpose of showing sacrifices being made by Rei for the sake of Shinji without her understanding her own motives.

Bombs Over Tokyo 3
First off, the date I uploaded this is the day I created it, so yes it was very shortly afterward, but I think it's a little unfair to point out similar footage when it's almost unavoidable when using the same source and I'd say only about 4 or 5 of the (estimated) 70+ clips I used appeared in my first video. As far as matching most of the clips to lyrics, I have to say I understand where you're coming from, it can be pretty lame but I'll explain why I decided to go that way. This video has no real point to it other than to look cool while the songs sounds awesome, and while making it I was faced with the problem of trying to break up the action sequences so it wasn't just a celebration of giant robots beating one another's faces in. While the lyrics in the song go by so quickly that most people don't understand a lot of what's being said, certain parts definitely stand out, and I had scenes that I wanted to put over these. When going through my clips though, I realized I could hit two birds with one stone by matching the lyrics up, since it 1: gave the placement of scenes a sense of purpose and helped with timing them 2: didn't compromise the feel of the video (kept things moving) and 3: made for a nice balance of intense action and comical and/or significant scenes from the series. I still wasn't going to do it that way until I took a closer look and realized that less than half of the song had lyrics in it anyway. The instrumental part is slightly longer, leaving me plenty of time to put anything I felt like to the music. That's when I decided to go with the End of Evangelion in sequence as the second half of the song, and it (in my opinion) fit well, to the point of matching sound effects and loops that are in the background of the music. I had other ideas of how to end it, but this is how I did it. As far as the song not being classic.... there's not too much to say, since classics vary depending on who you speak to. It didn't hit the charts all that hard, but it was named #2 in Blender Magazine's list of "500 Greatest Songs Since You Were Born" and #1 single of 2000-2005 by Pitchfork Media, so somebody out there agrees with me.

Anyway, thanks again for watching and commenting, seriously. And sorry for being so long winded, I just didn't want the only representation of my work in this forum to be the opinion of one person who didn't like either video at all. I wouldn't want people to see that and be so turned off they wouldn't even give it a chance. And I hope that maybe I was able to shed some light on what I was going for, and maybe you can better appreciate it now. And maybe not. If not though, what can I say, you can't win em all. At least I tried :D [/i]

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Post by Rave_Epic » Wed Oct 03, 2007 10:12 pm

Well, to be perfectly honest to myself and to you, I think there might be one person on this ENTIRE board that cares about what I think. So, I mean, it's a million in one chance of someone opening up this topic, reading over my opinion and not downloading your video. If they did do that, then I'm really REALLY shocked.

And to be fair to you, the AWW raid shoved any serious-AMV posts to pages 2 and 3, etc. So..there's a chance it got pushed out by those videos.

You are right. We can't win them all.


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