Thanks! I thought the ending-part was the weakest, because I had a hard time finding moments/scenes that had the dynamics/motion which were good enough. Oh, thank you again for testing out the sound - it was helpful!Reigna wrote:This is such a cool video, Douggie. I just really like the way it's edited, especially with all of that internal synch. Also, 1:20 to the end is awesome. Nice work.
Good it creeped you out! It was a last-minute label though! I know people people won't rank this video high, but it wasn't a big project and more or less a practice.CrackTheSky wrote:I'm glad you labeled that as horror, because it definitely creeped me out. Not my favorite from you (that goes to Colorful Memories), it was a little boring sync-wise, but the mood was excellent and it definitely had your style written all over it. 4/5 for good measure
So you thought it was a little boring sync-wise? I though you hip youngsters like jump-cuts! Now that I think of it, jump-cuts are really NOT popular in the AMV-world (maybe because of the choice of music). I really hope it will never get popular though!
Thanks for your time and comments!
And oh... I didn't know I had a style! I sometimes hear people say "That's so Doug!" but I never know what they mean though!
Thanks! Glad you liked it! But leave the "scary" part out of your sentence - clowns are always scary!ZetZu wrote:keeeeeeewl.... but scary clown XD
Thanks for watching! Glad you enjoyed it!Kevmasterflashdeluxe wrote:enjoyable O.o
Thanks! Glad your watch was enjoyable! Yeah, "It", hehe (good old times when I was a little kid). I wouldn't put my hand in anything where the sun doesn't shine!Meteor Dragon wrote: The video reminded me of Stenven King's "It".....I learned not to put my hand in the sewers if I see a clown standing down there....
Video itself: Enjoyable watch
Yeah. even though I didn't really get Labirynth (a got the overall concept, but soms stuff really looked random), it's sure a worth to take a look at! Thanks for watching and posting your comment!AphexTwin wrote:Nice seeing a new Manie Manie (Neo Tokyo) AMV. It will join the two I already kept on this great omnibus.
Simple but fitting the mood. Good job.
And for those who don't know this movie yet, just grab it.
Thanks! So you noticed the AR! Hehe. It was done on purpose (just look at the resolution, it's not 720x480 and has a 1:1PR) - I though I could get away with reforming it slighty to add more feeling into the nightmarish world. The wierd thing with this anime is, is that sometimes it looks good and sometimes not (at least, I think so) and I thought I could use that fact to unconsciously give the feeling of strangeness and deformation. If that makes sense to you...Minion wrote:nice little short.
wrong AR though :/
Thanks! Glad you liked it! Yeah, there were some jump cuts that were not as strong or not as subtle as I wanted to, but this was sure a good practice in cutting - not only timing, but composition of the cuts so the contrast between the shots will go as good as the song. Also, it's quite fun figuring out the structure of this song, as it has segments and structure, but it's not as clearly given (with drums or amount of notes).Greggus1 wrote:Great video. Some jump cuts worked less well than others, but great vision overall.
Glad you like my vision - I have -0.75 I think! yeah, I know, it's a stupid joke!
Thanks for watching! Glad you think it's done alright! So... you don't like nightmarish videos?Funky-kun wrote:Gets the atmosphere done allright. Not my kind of video, but lives up to its purpose I guess o_O
Thanks - glad you enjoyed it!Falconone wrote:It was really enjoyable.
Littel Story and nice cuts. Good atmosphere. a good video over all.
Hey, weren't you the one who's expecting a lot of me? *reads quick comments* Yes, you do! Sorry to disappoint you - I thought I had the atmosphere going! But 3 more vids will be released this year (2 of them are smaller projects though, just like this one), so there's bound to be one you will enjoy more! Thanks for watching!Bauzi wrote:It was okay.
Plus points for the used sources 4/5
The atmosphere didn´t really got me.
Thanks, glad you liked it! I always like that you use the word "special" often!Kael_ wrote:Nice video with an original anime.
It's rather special, I like it =)
What CLICK? I seriously don't know what you mean. O_o Thanks for watching - glad you thought it was cool. Yeah, the coloring, feel and use of shapes also reminds me of that. Thanks for reminding that I still need to watch that movie!blaku92 wrote:WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT CLICK AT THE END!?? That ruined the entire thing for me! ... ok not really, just being an ass. This was pretty cool. It reminds me of Robert Weine's "The Cabinet of Dr Caligari." Yes, it does have that German Expressionism feel to it. Cool.
Thanks! Yeah, I think because you were sleepy you accidently typed in the words "cute" and "charming"!Angelic86 wrote:It was... cute... in a way... not really creepy but a nice atmosphere... Very charming, I enjoyed it...
(lack of sleep equals stupid sentences)
NOOOOO, COME BACK! WATCH MY AMV!Arashinome wrote:aaand I wont be watching this >_> *runs far far away from topic*
*gets lasso*
Glad you liked it - thanks! You really should get the anime (and then get disappointed by the fact that this segment only lasts 15 min. )FraChan wrote:I loved it. Good job!
It looks like a very interesting anime, I have to get it now
Thanks! Well, I like her pants - she can probably wear it all her life!Big Dumb Face wrote:good vid. Liked it, but who is this sachi,, adn why does she have such big big pants?
But seriously, the design of the pants kinda refers to the clown (or clowns in general) as they have big pants too and shows that she is related to the clown, representing herself and her inner fears chasing her. Well, at least, that is what I think.
Also, for the other people not posting, but who did watch it (and left a QC) - thanks for watching!