by CrackTheSky » Fri Dec 07, 2007 4:26 pm
Now this, in my opinion, is a good example of bad use of effects. To me, a lot of the effects in this video just felt really out of place. I think it would have been better if you hadn't tried to do a million different things and had instead been a bit more consistent with the effects usage, but honestly that wasn't even the worst part about the video.
It was SLOW. I mean, the video was, and that was a problem, because the song was fast and upbeat. What you did here was use the effects solely as a synching device, and nothing more. The footage was random and poorly-chosen - there were way too many scenes that were completely static or had very little motion in them, and for those you loaded them down with effects to compensate. It's like you tried to make a slow-drama-dance video...and frankly, that's not a good combination of genres.
I just could not get into this video at all, it had no visual rhythm and the cheesy effects didn't make up for the poor scene selection. There were one or two parts that I did enjoy (such as the sequence from 2:50-3:02, which is a great example of what the entire video should have felt like), but most of it was just boring to me.