Beck: Fat Lip

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Beck: Fat Lip

Post by KainXS » Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:34 pm

My new beck AMV, i tried to get better lip syncs but I wanted to stick to the concert episode

Video: Beck: Fat Lip
Category: Fun, Serious, Instrumental
Anime: BECK, Mongolian Chop Squad
Song: Fat Lip
Artist: Sum 41
Creator: KainXS

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Post by Kalium » Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:12 pm

I'll be brutally honest here: this was bad.

You say you were trying to lip synch, but you only did it in a few spots. Moreover, it was iffy at best, seemingly without any of the frame-accurate manipulation required for good lip synch.

More than anything else, this video resembled a collection of clips from one episode of Beck with a song slapped on top. Synch of any form doesn't show up until halfway through the video, and even then it's of a very loose sort - with a song that calls for fairly tight editing.

Really, it looks like you put more work into that damn annoying watermark in the corner than anything else in the whole video.

2/5. At least you managed something approaching synch once or twice.

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Post by KainXS » Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:20 pm

yeah, the problem was I only used 1 episode of beck because its the only episode when they do a real actual concert instead of lives, and theres not really much singing in the episode, I have been looking for the earlier epidodes for some time now and just can't find them.

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Post by NS » Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:59 pm Has all the epsiodes, and they are easy as hell to find. I also know for a fact that Best Buy sells them all.

Also. A concert is also Idk what you're trying to say there >_>.

Yah.. using only one episode isn't gonna be good for lip synching to the whole song.. because tehre won't be enough variation and it'll get boring fast..If this is the problem, you need to compensate some way...

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Post by KainXS » Wed Jan 30, 2008 9:34 pm

the lives in beck are nearly all in basements, theres only like 2 maybe 3 that are on a outside stage

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Post by NS » Wed Jan 30, 2008 11:42 pm

Yes, I know what you meant.. But Both the scenes in the bars and small clubs and the gigs one like.. concert stages were all live...


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