Fruits Basket is my second favorite anime. I love the romances the show portrays, and I love more highspeed/perkey attemptsa t the romance....
*The effects ruined it for me personally. Especially the black cuts in the beginning. Or the weird radio frequences during the first chorus. They were distracting from the scenes, and made it look like a dance video instead of a romance video. That kind of bothered me....
*Scenes selected started out strong, then kind of mellowed out towards the end. Since this is a TohruXKyo video, they should be the pirmary focus in the video. Instead, there are a l ot of scnes with Tohru or Kyo with other charcters. At times I think they were tere in order to fill the space of Kyo/Tohru's friends an dfamily, but at others it was distracting. My perfect example of this is the scene with Yuki pushing the girl away. It was really out of place and non fruits basket viewers are not going to understand why a purple-haired kid just knocked another kid to the floor. Perhaps had you changed the hair color to orange, it would ahve worked out better and would have made Kyo look like a commitment issue person. ^_^
*That effect with the photos flying out of the screen at about1:18 was really cute! I loved that effect. However, instead of the same three photos over and over again, I think perhaps some varying in the photos would have been nice. And perhaps some more emotionally powerful photos.
*I may be wrong on this one, but it felt completely random for a romance video.
Overall, it really wasn't my cup of tea, but then again, what do I know.
But it was still a really nice video and I'm sure I'll watch it again.