Hello Everyone! How ya doin'!
A few fun facts:
- This is my first AMV, but not the first time video editing.
- I put a lot of heart making this. Like when baking a tasty carrot cake after honeymoon.
- There are a few director's quirks probably never been done in an AMV yet.
- There may be more AMVs to come, since I only covered the first arc in this AMV. But that depends on mood and motivation
- What motivated me? Well, Hunter x Hunter brought back a lot of sensational memories to me. To make this short, I was pretty much like "Gon": Honest (to a fault), naive, and loyal.
Edit: A few more important points...
- It's designed in mind that someone familiar with the anime, Hunter x Hunter, will be watching it. Miscalculation here!
- It's about 10 minutes long
- It's not sync'd to music. They just float together, like cheese and toast
- There's quite a lot of cropping, splitting and whatnot in the video, but it was made to be unnoticeable. In one of the scenes I removed about 7 seconds of dialogue, but the end result was as if he didn't speak at all. Again, you'll need to be familiar with the anime to notice that..
- It's 320x240 resolution, 18.6 MB in size. I could make it a neat 70 MB file with decent quality, but my connection is horrid when it comes to uploading unfortunately. Another miscalculation here since people now expect HD quality out of everything.
- I wish I didn't see one of the top 10 AMVs on this site, "Spoil" in particular was like dropping an ACME Anvil from the top of Burj Dubai on my Hope of becoming at least half-decent in video editing...
Now to offtopic:
I'm 24 years old, male, and living in a country called Bahrain. A tiny island off the shore of Saudi Arabia, and really hot and HUMID. I've been told its like Tampa Bay here, I personally think its a living sauna here. I'm also a local, which might explain my somewhat odd English.
I also possess a rather wack personality, and other social attributes that, for some reason, I can't think of a good way to express in this sentence
I'll be honest, I really appreciate all the love and effort put together to make this website, especially the back-breaking effort of maintaining it. Although I don't have experience maintaining huge video servers, but all that content constantly flowing back and forth.. I sure hope you get enough donations to cover all that (no offense ofcourse). I've personally never donated before, but if I do, you guys will probably be at the start of my list.
I'm proud of this site, one rarely comes across very well-thought things in life. Keep up the good work!
I'm rather new here and er.. pretty much lost in all the menus and stuff.. Where do you think I should start? There's a lot of confusing things around.
Hmmm... maybe this is a good website suggestion, to have a guide for newbies like myself. At least to point people in the right directions.
(Sorry if bad English took the cake)