soamark wrote:I never though that you can make watchable videos but now i see
nice job

soamark wrote:I never though that you can make watchable videos but now i see
nice job
AaronAMV wrote:some say you're a holy man
some say you're a monster
some say you pick crappy font
some say this trailer was pretty coo' other than the crappy font
I Agree .AaronAMV wrote:some say you're a holy man
some say you're a monster
some say you pick crappy font
some say this trailer was pretty coo' other than the crappy font
JustMally wrote:I Agree .AaronAMV wrote:some say you're a holy man
some say you're a monster
some say you pick crappy font
some say this trailer was pretty coo' other than the crappy font
Rider4Z wrote:HAA! i just noticed the spelling
Michael188PL wrote::O not so bad lacks trailer mood for me tho 3/5 yea just because of that : P
and font sucks dafont has some nice free fonts : d