CrackTheSky wrote:This was nicely edited, but I really, REALLY wish you had used the entire song. "Take A Bow" has such a nice buildup in it, and I think the video would have been much more effective if you had exploited the drama the song constructs in its unedited form, instead of just jumping into the action. Also would have given the video a bit more direction.
That said, excellent use of effects and syncing techniques, it was a pretty solid video, it just sucks 'cause I know it could have been much, much more.
i'm still considering doing the first part, but for the life of me i can't think of anything to use for it out of EOE, but i may turn to rebuild or the series.
ExSphere wrote:This was some pretty nice stuff right here. I liked the transition work you did with the radial blur's and what looks like a colorized glow at the same time. I would have loved to see you used the whole song, but I doubt the movie would have covered it all.
thanks! and yeah, rebuild might have covered the first part pretty well, along with the whole mindtrip of EOE that i completely avoided here.
macchinainterna wrote:Well that was just one hell of a ride! Great work