Yeiii! Thanks!Statz wrote:awesome sync!
awesome graphics!
I didn't want to make a romantic video, but I understand what you are saying. I admit that is a bit confusing.CodeZTM wrote:It was visually enjoyable to watch and had a nice beat/flow to it. It was almost conceptually empty, but it still had the same enjoyment that multi-source AMVs give me in that I could just have pure visual pleasure. I didn't understand why FMA was in that batch, since its animation really clashed pretty heavily against the rest of the scenes, and the text was pretty weird looking in terms of font.
But overall, I had a nice viewing out of it. I do wish it'd been more romance centered, and it might have done it a little more justice than some of the more random scenes later on.
I didn't want to use a font with serif or too much worked it could ruin the footage in my opinion... Helvetica by the way =D
Obrigada Kawatta, tive que alterar, mas neste momento já começo a gostar mais da primeira versão xDKawatta-kun wrote:This is win :3
Thanks =)MimS wrote:Refreshing. Good scene choice excepted for some action scenes at the end
I like it
Haha xD I see your point! But I din't want to make an romantic video... Well actually was more "fuck it I want to finish it"...maybe you right...Radical_Yue wrote:Not a fan. Ranom pretty scenes + *insert song here* = very meh.
Would've been better if you would've stuck with the romance/characters who don't have perfect relationships theme that, it appeared, you had going at the beginning with Girl Who Leapt Through Time. It looked like you started with a cute idea and just said "fuck it, these scenes of Misuzu running through fields and having her arms stretched out while she's all alone are pretty and I want to use them damn it." and just stuck with that for the rest of the video :/
I has a sad.

Thank you! Glad you like it =)Doidao_! wrote:Ohh.. I luv happy AMV's! x]
Overall was nice, some scenes were random, but most of them were not. I've already watched AMVs that didn't have any scene that made sense with the song, that's what I call random!
I think the scenes just start to get a little random in the end of the vid, but It makes sense to put random scenes, as the song repeats its refrain all the time in the end hahah... It was cool! 4/5 :3
YeiiiiKyssifur wrote:This is good! 5/5 You made my day!

Glad you like it !Chained(E)Studio wrote:I liked it =D

Yes that was the point =) Thanks Brad!Brad wrote:Hoorraaaa :O
I really really liked this video. I will admit, a LOT of it has to do with the song. It's such a fun, feel good song and you did a really brilliant job of evoking the mood of the song with your editing. I can definitely see what Yue is saying in that it can oftentimes feel random, but that doesn't really bother me in this case. It doesn't seem to be about telling any type of story, but rather evoking emotion (in this case, joy, hope, happiness, etc.). So yeah! Bravo!
Thank you!madaraxD wrote:i really enjoy this, good job
Yeiii!Koopiskeva wrote:Well done

Hope you will =) Thanks!McDirty wrote:That was awesome!!! I'll definitely keep this for future watching!!!
=DLaerium wrote:Mwaha nicesu ;D
Thank you =)EkaCoralian wrote:Some scenes were kinda random near the end, but this was quite awesome! Very fun and upbeat. :3
:O Well I don't think its so horrible... xD But I Like your honesty!Elcalavero wrote:Horrible Horrible Video Synch / Flow? WHAAA Did not like at all

Thank You =)EimiJ7 wrote:I really like this ^.^ I agree with Brad, even though some of the scenes might seem random, the video succeeded in evoking a really happy, harmony emotion... which I would assume was the point. I also actually like how you used the text at the beginning, and maybe would have liked to see more of it throughout.
Hum I have to agree with you! I had lots of time around the beginning...and the rest I did in one afternoon! So maybe you right! Thanks for comment =)Kisanzi wrote:Well, at first glance I began liking this video but after the first minute it kind of fell apart. When the first chorus arrived in the song and all I began to see was intro footage from all the sources then the whole mood of the video shifted for me. It lost the fun "life comes with different relationships" vibe and supplemented it for the prettiest footage each source had to offer and this trend continued to become more abundant by the end of the video. I think the upbeat mood of the song begins hand-in-hand with the video early on and then just totally ends up carrying the footage on its coattails by the end. I did enjoy the use of text and scene selection in the first minute though, I just wished that quality had held up to the end of the video.