... -watches anyway-
-is entertained-
I liked it. Nicely crafted! Solid video-- I left you an opinion with more feedback

so how bout i skip the first altogether and just watch Zero?ProjectBarcodeError wrote:@rider: i would suggest FSN first, cause FZ is soooooo much better and mature than FSN , you'll rage at FSN if you watch it after Zero
That would be a good plan.Rider4Z wrote:so how bout i skip the first altogether and just watch Zero?ProjectBarcodeError wrote:@rider: i would suggest FSN first, cause FZ is soooooo much better and mature than FSN , you'll rage at FSN if you watch it after Zero
Hmm yeah I agree about the lack of a concept, it's not really strong. Basically, I just wanted to show how far they (Saber/Kiritsugu etc) were willing to go to achieve their goals (changing the past/saving the world/doing something they couldn't do before they died) but in the end it's not possible. To be honest, the concept is not shown explicitly in the video but is used as more of a abstract background just to tie the video together.Hikado95 wrote:I miss soigneusement more synchronization, personally there were scenes that have a little work, the music you asked for more, something that to my lacking much in your video and now watching your video concept... the concept is not reflected much, only to see battles and more battles, and it is no bother but I personally give a regular category, is nothing out of the ordinary.
Woah thanks for such a detailed comment! Always nice to hear from you since you seem to know what I'm thinking when it comes to AMVs.Taite wrote:Except for the beginning slow part (I felt the sync was off a bit there) all the other slow parts are perfect. They are more emotional and give a nice break from all the action and sort of redirect the video, so it's not /all/ random (to me, since I haven't seen the anime.) It was actually quite emotional on the whole, and now I'm curious about the guy's back story and how she fits in.
And then this is what I hate, because I liked all of the upbeat stuff too.The second half lagged a bit more than the first, and perhaps it should have hit a couple more beats, but I was not that much bothered. That's the importance of you using this anime to me, because the motion in each scene flows with the beats in between so well. If you used Romeo x Juliet or something, you'd have to have effects and pancrop motion making up for everything that the scenes here already did themselves. That doesn't make this amv less good because it relies heavily on the anime. It's smart. People can't often do it right; you can't just pick any ol' scene, you have to pick the right scene, with the exact right motion, to fit what's happening in the song. Like in the beginning action part when the song went slow-mo, you had a scene of the blonde haired chick in slow-mo, but still within the action realm. This is how you do it.
It's something I always try to implement in my amvs. Yes, you've got to change a scene at some point, and you might as well do it on a beat otherwise it will be shit, but on the in between, there needs to be such a connection between the music and the motion within the scene (or atmosphere of a still scene) that it holds for itself. And it's hard to get it just right.
All of this adds impact, and you pretty much hit it on the head. The first half had all this (though that quick black oval border that jumped in was the only part I really disliked), the second half less, mainly because the scenes themselves had less action and motion in them, and they were drawn on a half second longer. The effects you had in between, like with the square scenes and stuff, all fit where they were, and there wasn't too much of it either.
This is what electronic-y dubstep amvs should be like. You seriously expect someone to hit every single beat, whether with a scene or effect? Trust me, other amv with these types of songs are like that, and they're shit. I don't get why so many people complain.
Of course there's room for improvement, as in any amv. I was surprised this amv was from you actually, because it was completely different than your others! Really though, only good "dubstep" amv I've seen.
**point of my rant is just that I think people don't really pay attention to the motion of the scene, and rather focus on effects and how fast it is in changing scenes in comparison to the song, which are both unnecessary.
Haha thanks Tommy! XD I didn't use twitch cause I wanted a cleaner editing style with little shaking and blurring if possible (and also because I actually don't really know how to use twitch well xD)RAWdangers wrote:Whatt??? A dubstep video without massive amounts of twitch!! FOR SHAME!! FOR SHAMEEEE!smh! smh!!!
Just kidding x33 I really enjoyed it. I agree with ryan but as said, syncing dubstep aint easy and you took the chance x33 Glad you decided to edit with dubstep x33
Thanks!Theredflash66 wrote:very nice
I had that scene converted to use actually, just midway through editing I decided to switch to the air battle scenes cause I couldn't fit the other scenes between the bike race. xD How lazy of me. The original idea of the 3D frames was for a similar purpose to that which you mentioned but uhh...as I mentioned before, partly into editing this I sorta ditched the concept but didn't want to ditch the effects so I just kept them for sync purposes. Though they would have looked a lot better if I didn't just cut into/out of them into the adjoining scenes. >__> Thanks for the comment though!ProjectBarcodeError wrote:I thought some scene choice would have need more care (a bit dissapoint not see the race of rider and his run on the bridge intead on mmmk flying moments). the use of Berserker past was a good idea, but someone who haven't the anime won't have a clue. i think the first part of the last chorus was more epic than the end.
the song was actually interesting. i don't like dubstep much, but it was a decent pick.
the frames effects were not "immersive" but they were helpful for rythm/beat. maybe it would have helped your concept of "time-bender saber" to use returns/rewinds of frames in order to avoid hits or a terrible fate? like "prince of persia:sands of time"? maybe that would have been nice.
despite these details, it was enjoyable. not the ultimate FZ AMV i wait for, but a pleasant one. And it was surprising to see you try this style of amv, it's fresh
Hope your next one will meets your expectations during editing
Spoiler :
Haha, glad you enjoyed that! And thanks for the OP. ^^Pikachew wrote:Aw yiss spoile-
... -watches anyway-
-is entertained-
I liked it. Nicely crafted! Solid video-- I left you an opinion with more feedback
BECAUSE YOU WERE NOT ONLINE. XD AND WHEN YOU WERE ONLINE, I WAS EDITING SO I WAS MAKING A NEW BETA. XD Also cause I kept waiting for you to send me your CCS beta first before sending you mines BUT YOU TOOK TOO LONG. XD Oh and I didn't think you'd like dubstep. I'mma send all my fluffy romancey ones to you for beta-testing though.Chiiisus wrote:WHY YOU NO LET ME BETA TEST?
I know Niwa got one while I was sleeping. Such a mean Pancake!
NEWHO! I actually liked this edit, some bits felt a bit slow but I still liked watching it all the same.
Actually, I didn't like Aken's video at all. I usually search for AMVs with a song I'm about to use so I don't clash ideas (not that I ever do) so I did see his video before editing this. I liked his concept and effects but I felt some sections of his version was incredibly slow and didn't quite carry the feel I was looking for, so in my AMV I tried to use a different cut style to combat the problem I saw in his. I guess in a sense, his video did inspire me to do something different. xD I'm glad you liked the 3D motions though, cause those took me a fairly long time. T__TxDreww wrote:Told you this before, just really couldn't get into this. Your emotion was there at times, your syncing is pretty good. I really like the 3d motion tracking that you did. Really dig those parts. Well done.
Though for me I just picture this song to be more aggressive in an AMV. I keep thinking of Akens version to this song with diebuster. Really enjoyed that one, but I don't really want to compare. Didn't really love it overall, its a cool video, so great job like always. :3
Thanks Mike! I loved your team's MEP. Very impressive, I'll leave a longer op on it soon.[madaraxD] wrote:Nice job May! nice sync and flow, good luck on Akross!
Yeah I had a lot of problems with that, I didn't want the scenes to feel too long but I didn't want to cut on every single beat so it was a matter of trying to find the perfect balance between them, (which sorta failed in the second chorus) it's definitely one of my weak points that I need to work on.Niwa wrote:Saw a couple of betas in the early stage, and I quite like the scene selection but in terms of pace, it needed a tighter sync and faster rythm, especially if it dubstep. Colouring matches the slow part's atmosphere and most of the fast parts aswell. I also liked the masking transition and multi windows as a transition, it seemed to give the video a bit of it's own style and could've had use more of it. It made me more interested of watching the show now since I'm big fan of Type-moon franchises, especially Fate Stay NightOverall I enjoyed it
and it was quite different from other dubstep videos that I've seen so far, that doesn't constantly focus on the pace or beat syncs.
Good job Secretary Pan---![]()
Now.... where's those papers D: