Apparently this video is just known for the fact that I scream no in excruciating pain in the reaction video from NDK right before my AMV starts playing in front of the audience.
Bwahahaha, I want to see this happen.Radical_Yue wrote:Yaaaaaaaaaaay! Next year Angie will win! And then the acceptance speech will just be "Nooooooooooooooooooooo!"
If it does happen, how would I explain that to the audience though?Radical_Yue wrote:Yaaaaaaaaaaay! Next year Angie will win! And then the acceptance speech will just be "Nooooooooooooooooooooo!"
Don't encourage Yue, it will take her places!Moonlight Soldier wrote:Bwahahaha, I want to see this happen.
Thank you Danielle, we gotta face each other in an IC properly XDAerialesque wrote:Yessssss VNS FTW! XD This is so adorable, loved seeing it on the big screen at NDK.
I wuv you too Matt, thank you for such a warm welcomeKisanzi wrote:We wuv you Angie! I totally dig the vid!
Welcome to VNS!
Let's be honest here Josh, there's no value without the no.Mamo! wrote:Loved this! Even without the "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" at the beginning! Oh and VNS FTW
It may be "fun" but it is not upbeat in a technical definition! Drama doesn't always involve death and sadness, thank you for enjoying it though!M'o'l wrote:Feels more like fun/sentimental than drama for me : d, but pretty nice vid I enjoyed
Yue has to coach me about this trend of super long and sophisticated titles for VNS. Thank you for your welcome!Reigna wrote:Super cute, awesome poster, and makes me want to watch the show. Welcome to the studio of studios! Also, as you are in VNS now, your title will need more syllables. VNS FTW.