Don't Open the Door

Feedback on cataloged Anime Music Videos

Moderators: seasons, Mol

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Joined: Sun Apr 20, 2008 8:11 pm
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Don't Open the Door

Post by PsiKro » Fri Aug 25, 2023 3:22 am

TItle: Don't Open the Door
Genre: Intensity / Drama / Horror
Anime: Chainsaw Man
Music: JVNA - Play With You

This AMV focuses on Makima from Chainsaw man. The motivation for this AMV was how well I thought the song fit Makima's character. Originally, I wanted to make a very unique story-driven AMV with a lot of composition and masking to create custom scenes and a unique story, but overall I found it too hard to sync to the intense parts of the song so I ended up making something a bit simpler. Hopefully it still works out. The AMV starts up slow and builds up the atmosphere and tension and then all hell breaks loose. I hope you enjoy it.


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