Too hot for AX! See the video THEY don't want to show you!
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- Joined: Wed Jul 10, 2002 3:00 am
Just ignore him... fact is ErMaC that you are lucky to have not made it because you would have felt much worse if you had made it and then they announced the postponement of the contest and then the next day there wasn't a croud there to see your video anyway.
--Umm...I don't know...
- ErMaC
- The Man who puts the "E" in READFAG
- Joined: Sat Feb 24, 2001 4:39 pm
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HentaiMaster you're missing the whole damn point.
So my video didn't get shown - fine. If the video simply hat not made the final on merits alone, that's fine.
But it wasn't. It was DQ'd, and that's what I'm angry about.
So stop arguing whether it's a good video or not, no one is arguing about that. I don't give a rats ass whether you like it or not.
And FYI the video was made before the AX rules were posted anyways, so it's not like I measured the amount of time that I could use live action footage - it just worked out to be within the limit so I entered it.
Frankly I think you just don't like the video and are making a big stink about it. That's not what I'm talking about, so just drop it. We get it - you think it's a bad video.
I don't care.
What I care about is being unjustly disqualified, and so far you haven't even scratched that subject. So just shut up already unless you want to actually talk about the subject at hand.
So my video didn't get shown - fine. If the video simply hat not made the final on merits alone, that's fine.
But it wasn't. It was DQ'd, and that's what I'm angry about.
So stop arguing whether it's a good video or not, no one is arguing about that. I don't give a rats ass whether you like it or not.
And FYI the video was made before the AX rules were posted anyways, so it's not like I measured the amount of time that I could use live action footage - it just worked out to be within the limit so I entered it.
Frankly I think you just don't like the video and are making a big stink about it. That's not what I'm talking about, so just drop it. We get it - you think it's a bad video.
I don't care.
What I care about is being unjustly disqualified, and so far you haven't even scratched that subject. So just shut up already unless you want to actually talk about the subject at hand.
- Joined: Tue Jul 09, 2002 5:39 am
- Location: Southern California
Umm, did you even read my post, or did you just start going off the second you realized I wasn't praising you.
Listen, Im going to try really hard to make this my last post on this
subject because ive been in "arguments" like this before where I just have to keep repeating myself because the other person just simply wont acknowledge what im saying.
I actually did quite clearly "scratch the surface" of why I thought your video was not unjustly disqualified. If you read my post, wich im kinda doubting, you would see that all my criquites of your vid were tied into the over-all argument I was making about your disqualification being fair, and why the judges did it. You even admitted you made it without knowing or following the rules.
Also, saying you werent lookin for opinions on it is kinda hypocritical. If you didnt want any then why did you link the vid? I mean, I kinda figured you wanted some feed back, so dont blame me for stating my opinion. You say you dont "give a rats ass" if I like it or not, but I think its more that you dont "give a rats ass" if I dont like it, because you seem to have no problem with those that do like it. Not that I blame for you that, its understandable, im just saying.
Im gonna make this real simple. My whole problem with you right now is that all you doing, weither you realize or not, is just complaining cause your vid didnt make it in. A lot of other people didnt make it in either because of being disqualified for reason they may veiw has stupid and they seem to dealing with it a lot better than you. We all get screwed sometimes, be glad if this is the worst that ever happens to you. Also, again, weither you realize or not, your giving off this attitude like its some horrible tradegy the audience didnt get to see your vid. That now, because of the BIG HORRIBLE AWFUL ASSHOLE JUDGES THAT WOULD DARE NOT LET YOUR VIDEO IN, the world has now been deprived of your great work of art. You cannot tell me that some of the stuff you said in this thread hasn't been a tad arrogant. You seem to think that just because YOU think something isnt sexual, that everyone else shouldnt either, and that everyone who does is some big idiot treating YOU(cause you know, they only did it because it was YOU.....) unfair. Once again, not trying to come down on your vid(I dont think Ive said once I didnt like it), but I think you might be giving yourself a bit to much credit on this one.
Anyway, my real over-all point is, just get over it already. Its not the horrible unfair judgment your making in out to be. The video is OK, I admit getting a couple laughs out of it, but it deserved its disqualification.
End of story.
Listen, Im going to try really hard to make this my last post on this
subject because ive been in "arguments" like this before where I just have to keep repeating myself because the other person just simply wont acknowledge what im saying.
I actually did quite clearly "scratch the surface" of why I thought your video was not unjustly disqualified. If you read my post, wich im kinda doubting, you would see that all my criquites of your vid were tied into the over-all argument I was making about your disqualification being fair, and why the judges did it. You even admitted you made it without knowing or following the rules.
Also, saying you werent lookin for opinions on it is kinda hypocritical. If you didnt want any then why did you link the vid? I mean, I kinda figured you wanted some feed back, so dont blame me for stating my opinion. You say you dont "give a rats ass" if I like it or not, but I think its more that you dont "give a rats ass" if I dont like it, because you seem to have no problem with those that do like it. Not that I blame for you that, its understandable, im just saying.
Im gonna make this real simple. My whole problem with you right now is that all you doing, weither you realize or not, is just complaining cause your vid didnt make it in. A lot of other people didnt make it in either because of being disqualified for reason they may veiw has stupid and they seem to dealing with it a lot better than you. We all get screwed sometimes, be glad if this is the worst that ever happens to you. Also, again, weither you realize or not, your giving off this attitude like its some horrible tradegy the audience didnt get to see your vid. That now, because of the BIG HORRIBLE AWFUL ASSHOLE JUDGES THAT WOULD DARE NOT LET YOUR VIDEO IN, the world has now been deprived of your great work of art. You cannot tell me that some of the stuff you said in this thread hasn't been a tad arrogant. You seem to think that just because YOU think something isnt sexual, that everyone else shouldnt either, and that everyone who does is some big idiot treating YOU(cause you know, they only did it because it was YOU.....) unfair. Once again, not trying to come down on your vid(I dont think Ive said once I didnt like it), but I think you might be giving yourself a bit to much credit on this one.
Anyway, my real over-all point is, just get over it already. Its not the horrible unfair judgment your making in out to be. The video is OK, I admit getting a couple laughs out of it, but it deserved its disqualification.
End of story.
- OmniStrata
- Joined: Wed Aug 01, 2001 4:03 pm
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:P and double :P
Ah don't care if it's any damn contest.
It's an ErMaC video and I want to see it!

It's an ErMaC video and I want to see it!

- AbsoluteDestiny
- Joined: Wed Aug 15, 2001 1:56 pm
- Location: Oxford, UK
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Re: uuh....yeah
You obviously didn't see some of the videos that WERE let in.TheRealNeoHentaiMaster wrote: You seem to think that just because YOU think something isnt sexual, that everyone else shouldnt either,
Hinted sex is one thing.... sticking a penis in your face is another.
You seem to have missed the point that the rules for disqualification aren't only applicable to some videos. The rule for one video should apply to others but that wasn't the case here. Given the other entries that weren't disqualified there is no logical argument for this video's disqualification.
Contests are about consistency. God forbid you should ever run one as you don't seem to understand the concept of rules being clear and decisive.
errr... so people knew what it was and choose to download it? You know... the reason most people "announce" things.TheRealNeoHentaiMaster wrote: If you didnt want any then why did you link the vid?
- jbone
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- Kusoyaro
- Joined: Tue Jan 16, 2001 10:03 pm
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Uh huh.Beowulf wrote:ErMaC wrote: Judges are full of shit a lot of the times. Brad Demoss won two awards at A-Kon he ABSOLUTELY should not have won. You know why he won? Because he's Brad Demoss. Jesus Christ he won best artistic for showing racoons playing the banjo.
More Than Toast has swpet every JACON. You know why? Because there MTT and they ARE somebody.
It fucking makes me sick.
I have no idea how to use this new forum.
- anneke
- Joined: Fri Apr 06, 2001 7:34 am
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I wonder if people now believe me more about my statements about Ermac's attitude at Fanime.
My videos did not make the finals either. I had one that would have been in the comedy category, and I believe would have been funnier then Cyber Eye Candy. I'm sure there are others as well. So even if what you thought were bad videos were taken out of the contest, doesn't mean yours would still have made it to the finals.
One observation I would also like to make. If memory serves me right, Ermac's video contain noises/sounds that could be taken as 'sexual' the Excell video did not contain sexual sounds. So maybe it wasn't the visual part of the video that makes a video be DQ, but the sound. Just as explicate lyrics can DQ a video.
I don't know why my video didn't make the finals. I'm going to assume it was because they didn't want to endorse drugs, and make the audience go on a drug trip with my video.
Complaining that a video didn't make the finals due to judges like another video better then another is okay, because that's a very subjective thing.
Being DQed from a contest is not a subjective thing. They decided your video did not quality for an exact reason, but you don't know the exact reason so don't try and guess about what it is. Leave the dang judges alone.
Maybe it got DQed for the amount of Live Action footage. That used more then 20%. Who says they have to actually time the Live Action Footage by the second. Maybe they did it by the minute. Meaning in a 5 minute AMV you can have only 1 minute of that time containing any non-anime footage. If your video's non-anime footage took up most of one minute then that minute counts towards the limit.
4 minute AMV. = 260 Seconds
20% of 260 = 52 seconds
In 1 minute of the footage, you have 52 seconds of non-anime footage. More then 50% of that minute had none anime footage so the minute is considered as being a minute of non-anime footage.
Therefore 1 / 4 = 25% was non-anime, therefore the video is cut.
Not saying this is how they did it, but it's a possiability. So don't just say that things were unfair. Maybe they were fair, just not how you would have done it.
So other then being DQ for Visual content, you could have been DQed for...
Explicate Sound/Lyrics
Non-Anime Footage (based on by Minute, not by second)
So stop complianing that it was just because of Visual content, when you don't know that it was.

My videos did not make the finals either. I had one that would have been in the comedy category, and I believe would have been funnier then Cyber Eye Candy. I'm sure there are others as well. So even if what you thought were bad videos were taken out of the contest, doesn't mean yours would still have made it to the finals.
One observation I would also like to make. If memory serves me right, Ermac's video contain noises/sounds that could be taken as 'sexual' the Excell video did not contain sexual sounds. So maybe it wasn't the visual part of the video that makes a video be DQ, but the sound. Just as explicate lyrics can DQ a video.
I don't know why my video didn't make the finals. I'm going to assume it was because they didn't want to endorse drugs, and make the audience go on a drug trip with my video.

Complaining that a video didn't make the finals due to judges like another video better then another is okay, because that's a very subjective thing.
Being DQed from a contest is not a subjective thing. They decided your video did not quality for an exact reason, but you don't know the exact reason so don't try and guess about what it is. Leave the dang judges alone.
Maybe it got DQed for the amount of Live Action footage. That used more then 20%. Who says they have to actually time the Live Action Footage by the second. Maybe they did it by the minute. Meaning in a 5 minute AMV you can have only 1 minute of that time containing any non-anime footage. If your video's non-anime footage took up most of one minute then that minute counts towards the limit.
4 minute AMV. = 260 Seconds
20% of 260 = 52 seconds
In 1 minute of the footage, you have 52 seconds of non-anime footage. More then 50% of that minute had none anime footage so the minute is considered as being a minute of non-anime footage.
Therefore 1 / 4 = 25% was non-anime, therefore the video is cut.
Not saying this is how they did it, but it's a possiability. So don't just say that things were unfair. Maybe they were fair, just not how you would have done it.
So other then being DQ for Visual content, you could have been DQed for...
Explicate Sound/Lyrics
Non-Anime Footage (based on by Minute, not by second)
So stop complianing that it was just because of Visual content, when you don't know that it was.
- AbsoluteDestiny
- Joined: Wed Aug 15, 2001 1:56 pm
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*points to the video that won the Fun category*anneke wrote:I don't know why my video didn't make the finals. I'm going to assume it was because they didn't want to endorse drugs, and make the audience go on a drug trip with my video.![]()
Do you need a bigger endorsement?

As for the DQ debate I don't think anyone here really is questioning that the reasons for disqualifications are unclear. Personally I think that's partly a result of being vague in the submission rules.
I don't recall if you discussed this in any of your advice to cons posts, Anneke, but what would be your preferred nomenclature for ruling against explicit content? I'd be particularly interested in hearing your views as you have created videos using occasionally sexual scenes.
It's an interesting issue, especially as a great deal of what is appropriate is based on context. A head bouncing up and down can be seen as harmless in one instance and very explicit in another. Given this what would one rule against?
Personally I quite like the statement "If you wouldn't like your parents to accidentally see it then it's too explicit" ^_^;;;
- NPC3000
- Joined: Sun Feb 10, 2002 3:42 pm
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