Niotex wrote:your still not getting in my pants tho
jk ;P couldnt resist
then what are you doing posting in my thread >:O
jk :O
MCHeadcase wrote:Now I've never seen this anime, it was the JMT song that caught my eye .. and the fact is I don't even like em .. its just never even imagined that I'd see an AMV with a song by Jedi Mind Tricks of all people...
Yeah it's pretty rare, rap itself almost never gets paid serious attention and I agree that there are very few songs that would work for AMVs, but those who do should be used as they are as good as everything else.
MCHeadcase wrote:
This video was excellent, great use of editing. You really made the anime match up to the song very well. Keep up the good work!
Thanks, peace :>
Beowulf wrote:That was fucking great!
It really had an impact on me. The straight lyric synch really drove home the concept and the concept was great!
Glad you liked it, it's good to know that this many people were able to get and enjoy the concept of the video, I always try to be somehow original in my AMVs.
PX32 wrote:Your synch is hard to follow passively but it really makes sense. I really appreciate lyric based AMVs like yours. I also see a need for the effects you used. They really made it darker.
As Streicher said it's not easy to watch but if you concentrate on an AMV like in this case you'll probably remember it. It did not just enter your head and leaves immediately like another random dance or in general "happy" AMV. It kinda leaves something there...not only images but feelings. Though I can't really connect to the mood in your AMV it somehow had my attention beyond the actual AMV.
You know excatly what I want to hear haha. You don't neccassarily have to connect to the mood or the feelings, most important for me is that you notice that my intentions for those were there and that it works in its own way.
PX32 wrote:
Good work!
PX32 wrote:
P.S: I'm still a little distracted by those ears and tails

Well, the series has its comedy parts, but most of the time it's drama so when the series can do it, I can do it too :p