I never questioned that, but usually downloaded footage sucks balls anyways...ron wrote:first: yes, the quality sucks, but its the only thing out there, and i'm going to use it. i know its a shitty cam but i made this thing in my spare time for fun. as for the illegality of it: its on my server, let me worry about that
Never questioned this either, but more power to ya.second: i'm not a christian, i dislike christianity and all non-rational belief systems. this is just a music video that happens to be about jesus.

If I get uber bored of playing diablo 2 I might bring myself to watch it...
See response to 2. I just question as to why non-anime sources are allowed into an anime catalog. Non-anime isn't really what the Org is about, but since the rule was never really enforced, then I guess my whiney ass self won't change it, lolthird: sorry its not anime but the subject of this thread clearly states what it is and if the mods want to delete it fine. if they dont, and you still have a problem with it, just dont download my video.
check my profile for some other non-anime music videos and one not-very-good anime music video.
I'm not usually this worked up over something, but I guess it was the combo of non-anime, downloaded, and the fact it's a religious movie set me off on a random rampage. I guess you would call this an apology without using the word sorry, so that's what I'm gonna call it.
I really need some sleep, then maybe will think differently about it when I'm done sleeping...
/end 2:45 AM rant/response. Total typoes made: I lost count after 4...