Let Me Be With You [Its Yuri-Tastic]

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Infinity Squared
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Re: Let Me Be With You [Its Yuri-Tastic]

Post by Infinity Squared » Wed Mar 22, 2006 7:56 am

bluetrain wrote:Editted With Adobe After Effects 6.5 - and it was originally a no effects video, hah.
Ha! Do you still actually stand by this statement (minus the cutesy ending :P)?

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Post by lilgumba » Wed Mar 22, 2006 8:55 am

Ever since watching Marimite in the Piyush Juneja - Nine Tailed Mix MEP I've been hardcore looking for as much stuff possible related to the show. Your video is welcomed. Overall I liked it. I got that little fuzzy warm feeling from it. The end I completely loved. That part I could watch over and over and not get sick of it. As other people have said, those fades really got to me. I'm sure I'll get over them as I put this on repeat. Good job.

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Post by bluetrain » Fri Mar 24, 2006 9:04 am

Oh ok, wow, i need to post something long...
*so sorry for not posting earlier, but i got snatched away for 4 days by Anna* - i'm back now, so its time to explain. *get ready*
Bakadeshi wrote:cute vid, though all the fades and flashes started to hurt my eyes after a while. Might have overdone the fades just a bit.
Powermog wrote:One think that annoyed me a little(just a little, alright?) is the repeately use of fade to black effect ;) The screen flickened a little too much there.
Ok, well... Yeah, there's a lot of fades. I have much the same comments in some opinions.. I do agree, and i try to think yeah its quite repetitive...But, honestly, i can't think of anything else that would fit the song..? I means its a slow fadey kind of song...The piano notes are struck and then small echoes and then the next note... I don't really know of anything else that may have fit.. Maybe i shouldn't have faded completely to black...? I dunno any ideas?
JCD wrote:It seems like you filtered the video alot after exporting it, the fades look like really destroyed :/ As you have alot of fades in there, this takes alot away from the video.
Infinity Squared wrote:some issues with the fades becoming a bit pixelated (and not just what Bakadeshi has said :P), but after watching it a few times and my eyes being able to anticipate them, I found that I don't have much more to complain...
Ok, well i can slightly explain this --- Yes lots and lots of filtering hehe, but this was the first time i had ever done filtering in AVIsynth...soo, i guess i was looking at it frame by frame, i didn't notice it was ongoing... and of course i checked the frames which weren't faded as they would be easier to find faults in.. So once i made my "satisfying" quality 100% frames - i exported it, with some other checks - but as there was So much filtering it lagged too much to play.. exporting was the only option. So, i just hoped it were ok.. Obviously i need to make sure this doesn't happen again... *gomen*
Powermog wrote:hahaha!! Nice ending parody ;D I loved it! The best scene from the AMV hah! ..um...ehem..about the AMV!
angelx03 wrote:Cute video. I LOVED the Marimite chibi segment. 8-)
Bakadeshi wrote:I lol'ed at the end ;p Loved that section :D
lilgumba wrote: The end I completely loved. That part I could watch over and over and not get sick of it
Hehe, the ending...Well this, in a way, is what i was worried people might say... But at the same time, i think i put more effort into that segment in terms of 'time to effort ratio' ehehe (T2ER) - Sure the reason i made it was to make Maddy smile, and i succeeded in that. However i also was inspired by some M@D works... I was trying to see if i could do anything close, as you can tell, its nowhere near that standard. But when i get a comment like:
JCD wrote:And the ending ruled. I request a full video like that :D :lol:
I'm semi-tempted, i have a lot of ideas rolling around my head... But i don't really have the source... and i don't want to use Azu, its just TOO overdone to lip-syncing now...(not that i've even seen Azu) - But that took me approximately 18hrs of straight editting... with 4 hours sleep somewhere in that period of time. Was it worth it? Maybe....
But..If that was just a bit over 10 seconds, in 18hrs...
so a 4 minute video would take: 432 hours... It really depends.

But what i find totally awesome is some people like JCD!!! Is requesting something of me, i don't care if it sounds like i'm a sucky-little-noob, This is still exciting for me. Same goes for Bakadeshi, Angelx03 & JubJub!
I just feel cool, hehe. But enough about that. Thanks for your ideas, opinions, compliments, tips, constructive criticism etc. I'm glad you all enjoyed it *smiles* THANK YOU AGAIN!
*one day something with some effort will reside here*


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