mirkosp wrote:Can I haz first post?
Sample Text is surprisingly well synced for being "blind" editing.
Newspaper Man is good tiemz.
...and Ninjas is still epic.
Mr Pilkington wrote:FERST!
Not this time Mr. Pilk
ArashinomeAMV wrote:I have a new favorite bebop movie amv.
Verses wrote:aniMAL
/bangs drums
The Origonal Head Hunter wrote:Sample Text was amazing, considering it was edited blind.
Well, more like edited deaf. I saw everything
Full Weekend Badge wrote:oh shit
Newspaper lays off workers, public is repulsed by loss of features, Newspaper lays off workers.
Haunter103 wrote:Heh. didn't waste any time uploading that eh?
Of course not, I had them done and wanted them out.
Nya-chan Production wrote:CB: Oh my god, why would you DO that? D:
ZnT: This was actually fairly... crazy |:
But you ended with the kiss. That is gud. I like kiss ends \o/
TwKS: I liek ninjas
All in all, about pppiii (3 x pi) out of 10,98 :<
Wait, Newspaper man is the one you reacted worst to?