I didn't expect this video to be so popular...
ok.. concerning this famous "badly cropped image", I know it isn't perfect, but it's not that bad... in my opinion. Anyway I think I found the problem.
Indeed it isn't due to a bad crop, I think the problem came from the interla/deinterlacing process... But I figured it out just before finishing the upload.
Lipsync > Indeed, I used manytimes (but not that much) same footage... I did it on purpose. (and because finding scenes in FMA for lipsync with this type of music is really hard...)
Finally, NO I don't have any FMA dvd. As LCY said I used fansub and some raws.
hm... now it seems that TeclmmlEd would like to know how I managed to get this video quality.
Simple : from the beginning to the end, I applied luminosity(-), contrast(+) and saturation(+) filters. (parameters are different for every scenes).
Oh, I also add some bur (0.6 > 1.2). And voila !