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Feedback on cataloged Anime Music Videos

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Post by Amo-Chan » Sat May 31, 2008 9:09 am

CodeChrono wrote:Awww.... If the target audience is seven years old, you hit the mark right on the forehead.

But I'm curious. Is the Death Note that your child watched the censored dubbed version (Shadow Note) or the real version? I'm just always curious about stuff like that, because my little sister KIND of likes anime too (she adored Cardcaptors, even though it made me shudder in digust since I wish she was old enough to read more properly and watch the subbed CCS) and I'm always interested in what else she might like (she saw Chobits on my DVD shelf and wanted to watch that, but that isn't happening until she's at least 21) :shock:
LOL..yeah, Chobits is not for the little ones XD. As for Death Note, he's watched the dubbed version. He can read, but not fast enough yet to handle subs. My daughter, on the other hand is a full fledged subby XD. Heck, the two of them have earned Death Note nickname. My daughter is a Mini Mello ever since she requested (and received) a double boiler to make chocolate with for her birthday. ANd my son is a Little Lighto because of a video I made using his voice with clips of Light. Both of the kids also really liked D.N.Angel and the Sailor Moon movies. Also, the FMA series and movie was pure win for them as well. When they watched it, the kids were walking around clapping their hands and hitting the ground for weeks. Kind of like when they watched Star Wars and my son tried to NOT clean his room by waving his hand at me and saying "This is not the room you want me to clean"....Kids. Also, they liked Robotech...the original dub, yuck. But, yeah, it's always hard to find anime they can watch that won't drive me completely up the wall. Oh...Fruits Basket was a good one for them too.


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