on purpose, yes. original? no ;p Its basically the plot of the movie, just like EXsphere said, but with all the unnessisary characters and extra plot stuff cut out. I just made it about Eurika and renton fighting against the world to be together.gotegenks wrote:loved it, i found me a really complex story-like meaning in it, that i'm really not sure if it was on purpose or not, but either way, I loved it.
Yep. If youve seen the movie, it will be predictable.ExSphere wrote:pretty basic man. My issue with this is most of the video went in the order as the movie plays, so it made it really predictable. Just didn't seem to stand out for me at all.
Thanks!Megamom wrote:It was like a beautiful story
Thanks! yea I kinda think so too. Its def not one of my best works.Rito-kun wrote:I also agree that the mood was good, I liked that =D Also some aprts were pretty well done in my opinion.
All in all I also agree with AimoAio, it was good for this short amount of time but it was lacking of something, like a highlight in the vid ;O
Over all I still liked it
Odd, The sync should be fine... sure its not the 720p file lagging a bit? ;p That being said, as I had said earlier, there are a few things i had wanted to fine tune in this, (the ferosity thing you mentioned being one of them) but I lost the project files.Arashinome wrote:I do still like Attack...I'll check this out.
There were definitely parts of the video I enjoyed, however, I do agree with the comment about this feeling like a beta. A lot of it just doesn't feel fine tuned enough, a lot of cuts are off sync by 2-3 frames etc. Also, on the parts of the song where the screaming comes in, the video really lacked ferocity. Overall it just feels incomplete to me.
Still glad you enjoyed some of it.
not sure what your talking about? Maybe you having the weightp issue....try the xvid:tu tu wrote:Why do a lot of video mosaics?
http://www.aunstudios.com/downloads/1/( ... _480p].AVI
~MimS~ wrote:Meh...
Still waiting for another awesome Bakadeshi vid...
Theres lots of internal sync. Especially in the fighting parts.Gaurry_no_blond wrote:hello stroboscope =_= not enough inner sync
1: Not random scenes, the scenes follow the story of renton and eurika fighting against the world to be together.Killerwombat wrote:Overall a "meh" amv, but don't get discouraged. Keep practicing, and you'll improve. Take these suggestions:
*Don't use random scenes
*Make the video relate to the music more/give it a story that follows the music.
*Don't randomly speed up scenes.
*Try making smother transitions, as opposed to just having one scene follow another.
2: This is proabbly a more subjective topic, but in this one I choose to follow the music more losely as far as lyrics go, and stick with a more linear story and sync mood wise.
3: Yea I agree this is a problem of this vid that I wouldve liked to tweak if I had not lost the project files.
4: Thats the particular style of this video, as I said, the sync style was experimental ;p
Thanks, yes I agree on the speedups. after watching it again after so long ago editing it, I can see alot of glaring ones that bother me too. Glad you still dug it.Code wrote:Well, I adore this song. I wasn't very fond of the speedups or the lack of high pace footage during the high pace songs, but it had a pretty good overall feel to it, and I can dig it.
Thanks, the mood was the biggest thing I was going for. If I find the project files some point in the future maybe I tweak and release a more polished version.Aggressor wrote:The mood was great, but I couldn't get rid of feeling I'm watching a draft, a beta version. There aren't many E7 vids out there anyway, and even less a good ones, so this one is closer to the top of the list. I like it, but could have liked much more I think.
Thanks for the comments