x2Minion wrote:i suggest: noEva-Fan wrote: I'm not sure if I should dl this or not. Maybe... ... hmm...
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- AMV_4000
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- Minion
- Joined: Sat May 22, 2004 10:16 pm
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- a disturbed member
- Joined: Sat Aug 03, 2002 12:13 am
Given the quality of the average video on the org the fad of 'stupid' was well entrenched long before I came around. I might have popularized a fad of being INTENTIONALLY stupid though. Which, if anyone is keeping track, is probably the single worse thing I've done on the org to date. Little copycat godix's. Man that's a creepy thought.Eva-Fan wrote:I blame godix for starting the "So Stupid that it's funny or just stupid." MEP fad. Of course the fad could be named lots of different things that was just the first thing that came to mind.
I'm debating the same question. On one hand it might provide momentary amusement. On the other hand I'm sure it fails to have any tasteless 9/11, Steve Irwin, or Katrina jokes and if it isn't insulting victims I'm not sure it's worth seeing.I'm not sure if I should dl this or not. Maybe... ... hmm...
- Minion
- Joined: Sat May 22, 2004 10:16 pm
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if yours is one of the comments who said anything possitive, your first kid is gonna be a palsy, most likely
(hey look, we have a terry schaivo emoticon)
* 2006-11-29 22:20:34NEEDS MORE AMV. The AMV part was good, the gay part was... gay.
* 2006-11-29 12:17:46this was the most retarded video that ive ever seen and wtf is up with your obsesssion with owls? hell it didnt even look like an owl it looked like a half retarded owl/ pigeon creature that you probably had buttsex with
* 2006-11-28 23:59:33BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Nice! 5 stars! - thefonz
* 2006-11-28 23:26:38So much decoy hate. Wryyyy?
* 2006-11-28 22:03:19Not even god himself could build a bottle that contains such a high amount of fail.
* 2006-11-28 20:00:40"Tree" is a noun you retard.
* 2006-11-28 18:01:39What the hell did I just watch? MY VIRGIN MIND!!! SO MANY SUGGESTIVE SCENES WHERE IT LOOKS LIKE BUTTSECKS IS HAPPENING!!! AND CORN!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!111!11! GOGGLES! NEED MY GOGGELS!! WTF!?!?!?!?! THE GOGGELS DO NOTHING!!! Only one thing left to do! *produces meat hook. Stabs eyes* AHHH!!! I AM BLINDED!!! *Drops Dead from blood loss and accadently stabbing brain with meat hook*
* 2006-11-28 17:18:21Hmm... uh... rape isn't funny. :/ Some of the visuals were witty which was funny (like the Ranma stuff), some were just too crazy to be funny, some were crazy enough to be funny. But overall it didn't average out too great.
* 2006-11-28 16:42:39WTF! ok the thing @ the begining with the guy who died AIDS was a joke it is not funny! also the vid suck = 1
* 2006-11-28 16:36:23All this served was to reaffirm that not only are you people shit editors, but you can't even edit funny shit when you /try/ and edit shit.
* 2006-11-28 16:05:15stuff?
* 2006-11-28 14:05:25only crap nothing more
* 2006-11-28 11:28:36XD *no comment*
* 2006-11-28 11:05:07actually funny and I bet Godix loved the Decoy dying of aids thing XD um, I'll leave you a real op later, I just wanted to rate this-Yeiweh (DivineQueenYeiweh)
* 2006-11-28 09:42:28lol
* 2006-11-28 09:33:36So crazy O_o
* 2006-11-28 07:08:20to tell you the truth, i wont be suprised when the mods remove the local, cause it makes fun of another member of the site O.o which goes against the site rules, but since you have the "Vault" and all im sure in the end (heh) it will not be much of a problem for you O.o anyways, I'm glad i didnt submit pics of myself on the toilet for you, though it might have been funny if you had used the Charmander one anyways, might have been funny or completely random.... anyways I would say "keep up the good work" but im not sure if my brains are going to explode from contact with this mep O.o
* 2006-11-28 06:27:56Ok, bit of a survey: You take it up the pooper? What's the price? Per hour or whole night? Isn't that bit high?
* 2006-11-28 06:19:28And once again something that is honestly horrible, bad and awful is concidered as good humour. Awesome fads in this year. Reminds me of Picasso! Horrible paintings done with the skill of a 10 year-old but still seen as highly appreciated art... sheesh. I did laugh at the goats thing, though.................
* 2006-11-28 05:42:45Man you Rock so hard that my house broke dovn!!! Make more, se ya on AMV HELL =)
* 2006-11-28 04:46:37...
* 2006-11-28 01:08:39Um. . .Not sure if I should give it a 5 for being amusing and because I can or a 1 for being stupid. So I give it a 3. . .for being more enjoyable than actually receiving buttsex. lol. Definately interesting.-wurpess
* 2006-11-28 00:38:16I call first QC.
if yours is one of the comments who said anything possitive, your first kid is gonna be a palsy, most likely

KioAtWork: I'm so bored. I don't have class again for another half hour.
Minion: masturbate into someones desk and giggle about it for the remaining 28 minutes
Minion: masturbate into someones desk and giggle about it for the remaining 28 minutes
- Radical_Yue
- Joined: Fri Feb 04, 2005 8:45 pm
- Status: The flamer with heart of gold~<3