I could see you turning politician. Honestly.SSJVegita0609 wrote:My name is SSJ, and I approved this video.
Favorite from me?.. Aww.. Well.. Alright Better that than least favorite.SenshiMamoru wrote:Wow, that was really awesome. I loved the fast synching and effects, my favorite from you as well. Nicely done
TsunamiJonesTsunamiJonesTsunamiJonesTsunamiJonesTsunamiJonesTsunamiJonesTsunamiJonesTsunamiJonesTsunamiJonesTsunami Jones wrote:Very nice!
Sweetest compliment ever ;_;
Dude, just friggin talk to me. I gaurantee you I can send you stuff you've never heard like, every day you talk to me.Warheart wrote:Ok, I died to see a good video to this and now that you made one I don't need to do it anymore. You did the movie justice and I think the editing was kick ass as usual just the bar effect in the first half of the video seemed a bit to simple for your style, I expected more to come than just noised borders there. And I really need to know where you find all that awesome music, I'm getting jealous every time you dig out new music just because it's something I always wanted to have but never thought existed or I have no idea where to get it.
quote="Willen"]I stop playing Resistance:FoM and AtomX has a new vid.
Stand in line? Or eBay?
Thanks beasty.Decoy wrote:You know what I think of it, meneer Backofen.
Glad somebody there liked itWalterScott wrote:Blew me away at AUSA
Heh, well, wasn't trying to amuse you-Bauzi- wrote:That amv didn´t gave me that much. It is ok, but can´t amuse me a lot of times. Not my stuff...
Is it?.. You have epilepsy? :\Castor Troy wrote:Nice stuff!
It's seizure-riffic!
Sweet reply!Fizziks wrote:Sweet video!
HARHARHARHARHARHARHAR BOGGIEINURBUTTFall_Child42 wrote:¦:ltrythil wrote:More like The World Moved GAAAAAAAAY.....
MiM's? Yeah thought so.x_rex30 wrote:Good Origin video, though not my favorite, their is another one that I like ten times more.
Heh I kind of agree. See, in my first day of editing, I had edited up to that point, and it was this huge build-up and then black video. So I had that in my head going into the next day, and I figured, anything past this is just going to be crazy crazy crazy, with that big build up behind it. But it ended up flowing together a bit too well.SSJVegita0609 wrote:Btw, I feel like I should mention that I felt like the scene you used to start the actual climax of the song could've had more UMPH. It's like the song kicks it up a notch and the video only continues to slowly build.
So yeah. Good stuff.