@Vegeta119, no problem I don't have anything against him...
@macguy, First of all you have to realize that I made this AMV just like
I want, and if you think I forgot to do something, or I could do something like this or like that, no, I could maaaybe improve something that I wanted, but that is minor, for my taste this way is the best, If I'd made it with more action It wouldn't be good for me, or with more scenes with lip sinc it would be also too much... I think I balanced this AMV for my taste very good, and that is what I wanted and what I always want...
But again tastes are different so I understand if you think it should be more like this or more like that...
That is essentially what makes your video action-like.
Yes it is action like, but I never limit my self about generes...it does not have to be only action or for example only parody, I am making AMV like what I want to look like, and then I put generes just because I want to barely describe what is it like and for which public it is...
Yes that's what I meant Razz You did plenty of that in the video though! Could you at least pay attention to why I suggested it? I am simply trying to help here. A excellent fight indeed but like Nerd said, you had a lyric sync but no story line at all.
After million times
- It does not have to have storlyine it should only tell about VEGETA's life in genereal...the most important parts...
What made Vegeta not need Nappa anymore? Why didn't he kill him before? Vegeta could've killed Nappa a long time ago...
It is
flashback, he is remembering NAPPA and NAPPA's intentions and than he remebers "hey I really didn't need him at all!"...It is not happening, he just remembers how he really didn't need him and how he destroyed him...
I see, this is probably the thing because of most of you thought it don't have storyline...it is just a example of that, that he don't need anyone, and that he doeas almost everything only by himself.
He's the one who allowed BABIDI to take control of him in the first place. But why?
He is the one who allowed but he just wanted to use power of BABIDI's maic, and
not to listen
to what BABIDI says...he rebelled against him right? and that is why he says "I don't want you, I don't need you" he says that to
him and to his commands echoing in his head,
not to his magic which gives him even more stamina... Later he saids that
even to his magic
with "I'm unchained, not a slave" right after he do a self-destruct... VEGETA is the smart one, ya know!
In the same way, I believe your AMV should retain some continuity in the story line rather than simply have scenes with Vegeta not needing anyone, self-destructing, fighting Goku, rebelling against Babidi etc. This is an action amv which happened to have lyrics which matched Vegeta's claims. What Vegeta claims however, is not telling a story about him. Why he feels this way isn't portrayed in the video nor do you go further on by stating his ultimate purpose (defeat Goku). Again, this seems to me more like an action story line rather than anything else.
It is telling story, but only in general, don't you think it would be little stupid to put scene where VEGETA is having a bath or something similar and not so important for his life? though for me everything is important in DBZ
An ultimate goal is well known and it is shown in scenes like fight with GOKU on the begining, but I can't focus whole AMV on any goal!??!? becuase it is in past tense it is almost like big flashback, and that is over! he don't want to be "better than KAKAROT" anymore, now that those all scenes are over, it is past tense he is only summaring his life and speaking of what he lived through...and I wantd to put more problems which he lived through not only one...
Booooy! This actually makes me happy! all this text because of my AMV man! this is great!
I know you don't understand some things why they are that way, and that you would do many things different, and I respect that, that is your opinion, but I just think it is good enough balanced action with VEGETA's life telling......
But it is always nice to hear how someone would do you AMV in his way...
So don't think I take this in a bad side, I take all of this on a good side...
@NerdStrudel, I never followed that "nowadays" "that is now IN" or something like that, I always had my style and I was alway independent of anything, to be honest I am
fierce enemy of fashion!
don't think this was offensive or something, I just said what I am like in case of "in" or "out"