Qrash - Evangelion 3.0

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Qrash - Evangelion 3.0

Post by Infinity Squared » Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:26 am


Woo! It's been so long I almost forgot how to upload... almost.

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Re: Qrash - Evangelion 3.0

Post by OropherZero » Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:57 am


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Re: Qrash - Evangelion 3.0

Post by OkamiRvS » Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:35 pm

Not bad.

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Re: Qrash - Evangelion 3.0

Post by Koopiskeva » Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:07 pm

Oh hey yer still alive. Thx for reminding me that the movie came out. :P

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Re: Qrash - Evangelion 3.0

Post by Infinity Squared » Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:40 am

Watch now before watching the movie. You know you want to.

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Re: Qrash - Evangelion 3.0

Post by Radical_Yue » Wed May 01, 2013 8:35 am

Horry Shite! The aussies making a comeback? :D Throw some Lockstock into this and make videos on a more frequent basis and I'll be so jelly =w=

You and your Eva movies lol
I should probably preface this with saying I haven't watched any of the Eva movies, and I mean ANY of them. I watched the original series when it played on Adult Swim and that was kind of the end of my interaction with Eva. This is probably the first video that made me want to watch them though. Normally, all I take from Eva AMVs are "holy crap, the animation is great, look how weird everything is and also, fighting!" so I was always kinda ehhhh on the subject. Not to say those other videos were bad, but with the way it was always used I guess I just got into this mindset that Eva is nothing but source material as opposed to an actual story. Maybe it was the fact that you used Oasis, maybe it was something else, but this was one of the rare moments where I actually gave a shit about Shinji.

That being said, the video is far from perfect :P Considering the movie just had decent rips come out I don't imagine you spent tons of time editing this. Lip flap, messy flow and lack luster sync killed it for me a decent amount of the time, but overall I still enjoyed it. Even if I couldn't follow the story perfectly, I still got the sense that shit has gone wrong, and shit is still wrong, but Shinji is really trying to hold on and maybe find a glimpse or two of what is still right.

While it obviously won't turn the editing world on it's side, it's a good quickie video and even with it's faults I still enjoyed it quite a bit.

Welcome back! :D

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Re: Qrash - Evangelion 3.0

Post by Ileia » Wed May 01, 2013 8:50 am

I watched Evangelion Tree Porno yesterday....I'll check this out after my exams today >_>

While I'm definitely glad to see you back and editing again, I have to admit that I didn't much care for this one. There was too much of a disconnect between the song and source material, I just wasn't feeling it. Especially at the end, the intensity of the scenes used far outweighed that of the song. The editing seemed a little loose, but nothing devastatingly so, and I just attribute that to time spent/being out of practice, so it's all good haha >_>

I can appreciate it story-wise, though, so I like where you went with it there. Other than an unwise decision to attempt to watch End of Eva before seeing the series, the Rebuilds were the first of Eva that I'd watched and my immediate thought after watching them was "Damn....Shinji gets a lot of undeserved guff considering the bullshit that he actually has to go through."

So anyway, even if I didn't like this so much, I look forward to seeing more from you! :up:
Last edited by Ileia on Thu May 02, 2013 10:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Qrash - Evangelion 3.0

Post by JaddziaDax » Wed May 01, 2013 7:32 pm

I watched your video :P

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Re: Qrash - Evangelion 3.0

Post by Animated » Thu May 02, 2013 9:41 am

Beautiful piece of work, gave me the chills and reminded me of how awesome the movie was last night. Glad to have you back Infinity Squared :D

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Re: Qrash - Evangelion 3.0

Post by Mamo! » Thu May 02, 2013 7:25 pm

I've had this on loop for the past couple of days. ^^; I probably shouldn't have watched since I've never seen Eva haha, but I loved this. It's the first Eva video that actually makes interested in finally watching the movies...and I guess the series too, hah. Good stuff for sure :up:


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