I know I'm a wolf

Feedback on cataloged Anime Music Videos

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  • Please limit your new threads (not replies) to one per week. If you have several new videos to announce, create one thread for all the videos. (Note: if you forget one you can edit your post!)
  • Offsite links are allowed, but you are required to have a catalog entry for that video as well. Threads announcing videos that do not contain a catalog entry will be moved to the Awaiting Catalog Entry sub-forum and will be deleted in 2 weeks if an entry is not created.
  • When posting announcements, it is recommended that you include links to the catalog entries (using the video ID) in your post.
  • Videos that do not contain anime are allowed to be announced in the Other Videos section and are not required to have catalog entries.
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I know I'm a wolf

Post by SinDreadlord » Mon Jun 15, 2015 3:59 am

[Moved to AMV Announcements forum. -Ileia]

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Re: I know I'm a wolf

Post by Kireblue » Wed Jun 17, 2015 5:59 pm

The white and black flashes in your video are extremely jarring and actually made it a little difficult to watch. The fact that you made your footage black and white probably is what made this problem even worse. Also, adding in the lyrics of your song in the center of your vid isn't necessary and just serves as a distraction.


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