Here are some great interview quotes from people who inspire me, both of which I debated putting over the intro before I realized it was best to let the waves speak for themselves

"Music, regardless of what it is, what label we put on, is basically creative, because when you think about it, after it's over, it's gone in the air, you can never capture it again, so it's pure creation. When you listen to Beethoven, Brahms, or you listen to Mingus or Coltrane or Stravinsky, Ravel or Duke Ellington or Sonny Rollins, Roland Kirk, Oscar Peterson, Ella Fitzgerald, this all has to be." ~ Eric Dolphy, 1964
"Well, I think that music, being an expression of the human heart, or of the human being itself, does express just what is happening. I feel it expresses the whole thing - the whole of human experience at the particular time that it is being expressed. [...]
[Talking about some critical dismissal he received from reviewers in Down Beat magazine] Although there was a time I kind of froze up on those people at Down Beat. I felt that they were letting their weakness direct their actions, which l didn't feel they should have. But the test was for me. They could do what they wanted to. The thing for me was to remain firm in what I was doing. [..] And coming out of it, it was just like I always said, man: when you go through these crises and you come out of them, you're definitely stronger, in a great sense." ~John Coltrane, 1966
EDIT: Got taken off Youtube yet again