Hi. I made a new music video (my fifth, first using transparencies and effects) to start my membership at a-m-v.org.
http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... hp?v=44251
(Music Video Spoilers) If you don't like your music videos spoiled, don't read below this line.
Special effects list:
1. Okay, I have static using pixelating filter and additive dissolve when the voice starts speaking on the video at the beginning.
2. I put a transparebcy upon the lyrics "they try to take my identity' with Cloud and Sephiroth(Sephiroth trying to make Cloud 'a failed clone').
3. Transparency with Cloud and Aeris when she's dying it appears he's trying to reach out and help her.
4. Transparency with Sephiroth summoning Meteor and Sephiroth at burning Nibelheim on the lyrics 'play with fire'.
5. Transparencies showing both Weapon and Mako cannon firing, and Weapon and Shinra building being hit at the same time.
6. When Cloud is traveling through a vortex to face Sephiroth, he has flashbacks using fade to white, and then fades to red as Sephiroth is defeated.
7. It has Red XIII lip-syncing the words 'All in line. We are in control.' LOL
Sorry if I was over descriptive, it's my first time, so I hope you understand.
My First Premiering Video!
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