5 CM Per Second - "Will I See You Again Before I Leave?

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5 CM Per Second - "Will I See You Again Before I Leave?

Post by str1ngheese » Thu May 08, 2008 12:45 am

Hello everyone.

After much procrastination on my part I finally made a contribution to the world of AMV's. This is my first video, and depending on the feedback I get on this video I will possibly make some more...

The band used in this video is called "Explosions In The Sky." They are a completely instrumental band that don't use lyrics in their music, but yet each song they make has a story behind it. The song used in the video is called "Your Hand In Mine" The song is based around a 14-year old boy that steals his parents car to go see his girlfriend one last time before she moves away.

One I saw the anime "5 Centimeters Per Second," I knew this was something that had to be done...

Not a lot of editing was done because the music and the anime flowed so well together.

So in any case here is the end product:
http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... p?v=158453

Unfortunately, the indirect link leads to a megaupload Zip file that is about 395MB. It does have better quality than the Direct Download, but I don't think most will notice the difference...At least I hope so.

Hope you enjoy it!!!

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Post by Xblacker » Thu May 08, 2008 3:25 am

My opinions probably bias since i love 5cm per second so much but i thought it was fucking excellent, perfect song choice for 5cm per second as well, and here was i believing it wasnt possible to make an AMV of what was already a masterpiece.

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Post by Will91Ber » Thu May 08, 2008 12:33 pm

I really really liked it.
But the video quality was awful.

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Post by Kevmaster » Thu May 08, 2008 12:39 pm

Will I See You Again Before I Leave?
No, you wont.

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Post by str1ngheese » Thu May 08, 2008 2:13 pm

Will91Ber wrote:I really really liked it.
But the video quality was awful.
It was either this or downloading a half-gig file. Which I certainly didn't want to do, and probably no-one would want to also...

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Post by Fall_Child42 » Thu May 08, 2008 3:10 pm

http://www.animemusicvideos.org/guides/ ... intro.html

here is a handy guide into compressing it to Xvid.
(it really needs to be updated to show MP4)

but if you have a look around these forums here you should be able to find a guide about mp4 compression which will make things much better for you. quality and size wise.

if anyone has a link to the zarxgui thing feel free to help out ... I still use batch files.

But even with Xvid a 4:00 long song should'nt be over 80 megs

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Post by CrackTheSky » Thu May 08, 2008 3:28 pm

str1ngheese wrote:
Will91Ber wrote:I really really liked it.
But the video quality was awful.
It was either this or downloading a half-gig file. Which I certainly didn't want to do, and probably no-one would want to also...
Half a gig isn't really that much.

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Post by Brad » Thu May 08, 2008 3:30 pm

This really felt more like a short film than a music video. At 8 minutes long and with a fairly easy to follow story, it kind of makes sense. Plus, you stuck with only straight cuts which drives that home. In that context, I thought this video was very good. It was cohesive, timed pretty well, and just long enough. The fact that this easily held my attention for the full 8 minutes, while some other videos make me start wanting to turn away after 2-3 minutes is really telling.

Then again, it really doesn't hurt that I'm a huge Explosions in the Sky fan and thusly really adore this song :P

As for the quality, yeah it certainly could be better. Did you edit from the DVD source or was it a downloaded rip? If it was the DVD source and you still have your project files, shoot me a PM and I'll see if I can walk you through how to get it into full quality.
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Post by str1ngheese » Fri May 09, 2008 12:12 am

AtomX wrote:This really felt more like a short film than a music video. At 8 minutes long and with a fairly easy to follow story, it kind of makes sense. Plus, you stuck with only straight cuts which drives that home. In that context, I thought this video was very good. It was cohesive, timed pretty well, and just long enough. The fact that this easily held my attention for the full 8 minutes, while some other videos make me start wanting to turn away after 2-3 minutes is really telling.

Then again, it really doesn't hurt that I'm a huge Explosions in the Sky fan and thusly really adore this song :P

As for the quality, yeah it certainly could be better. Did you edit from the DVD source or was it a downloaded rip? If it was the DVD source and you still have your project files, shoot me a PM and I'll see if I can walk you through how to get it into full quality.
Yeah, it was a downloaded rip...

I am sure that if I had the DVD source it would have been much better quality. If I ever do a video to the second part to "5 CM A Second," I am definitely going to download the actual full movie than rip clips off of youtube.

The thing is that I edit in iMovie HD which only allows Full Quality Compression into an .mov file. (Which I found out that most people on a-m-v.org absolutely despise.) So I took the full quality file and then compressed it again into a divX file...

Unless there is a hack out there somewhere that can allow iMovie full quality rips into some other file...

But in any case, I am glad to you enjoyed it. :)

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Post by Brad » Fri May 09, 2008 12:39 am

Well considering that you were working with downloaded source files, the video doesn't look THAT bad. And your method was fine. Even when editing on a PC, you almost always want to export to a full quality lossless format (which is what I'm assuming iMovie is doing), and then compress it from there.

And don't download the movie. The DVD is out now in the US. Get it, rip it, and work from the ACTUAL full quality (or at least as full quality as anybody really has access to).
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