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Since oscar ads are pretty...

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 8:03 pm
by mexicanjunior

I'm not sure what category it would fit in though...Best Fun? :o

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 8:07 pm
by Pwolf
Best fun indeed :wink:


Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 8:07 pm
by Nappy
Best Action!

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 8:07 pm
by angelx03
Already nominated you. I'll LMAO (in a good way :wink: ) if that wins a catagory though my VCA for 2004 VCD compliation will be TAINTED. :shock:

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 8:08 pm
by angelx03
By the way, can you post an "uncensored" advertisement in the Naughty Place in Demonseals? :roll:

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 8:14 pm
by Pwolf
angelx03 wrote:By the way, can you post an "uncensored" advertisement in the Naughty Place in Demonseals? :roll:
he'd have to get someone else to host the ad then (look where his ad is hosted now >.>), my host would have a fit if i put anything "nuaghty" on it :| stupid host


Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 8:19 pm
by SSJVegita0609

*noms it anyways

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 8:27 pm
by Castor Troy
God, that banner is beyond amazing. :shock:

*re-evaluates photoshop skillz* :?

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 8:52 pm
by Corran
Nominated for best action this morning ;)

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 9:13 pm
by Vancore
Another One, Rock. Already nominated both vids before the Oscar Ads but its still sweet looking over things like this. *thinks about doing his own*

Look what you've started Pwolf :P