My words exactly.I was expecting a superb ending and based on what happens in the last double episode it was going that way when suddenly............... title creditsRuby-Eye wrote:Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that is not a Cliffhanger, that is TORTURE!!!!!!!!! >_<
But great series overall, can`t wait for season 2!
I`m still not sure if I like Lelouch or think that he`s an asshole though.....
"Wtf is going on here?"I thought at the beginning and kinda thought they'd make an OVA to finish it.Then I saw that it has 2nd season and felt like killing them...
This is the worst torture ever,a cliffhanger of major caliber.
Anyway,can't wait for 2nd season.And I really expect something good to happen although I'm a bit scared what Sunrise will do this time.Ending 1st season in such a point means we're going for a full war,some major casualties and surely some flashbacks on C.C's past.
Anyway,does anyone know about when the second season begins broadcasting?In Anidb,the only hint is that it's during 2007...