acez13 wrote:Don't mean to be a jerk but Arigatomyna that isn't hiei unless they changed him in english anime...
You're a literalist, no offense taken. ^.~
That picture is my sig. A sig often describes the person using it. And my sig links to my website. The text on my sig doesn't refer to my avatar picture (which does feature Kurama, not Hiei), it refers to me, my site, and the joke about which it was made - my Hiei obsession.
This must be the first time someone has taken a sig so literally. It's cute. But no, you're right, Kurama is not Hiei outside of bootlegs.
/the joke, in the bootlegs the subtitlers mixed Kurama and Hiei's names - they switched them around, so you're right, they did change Hiei's name in the anime, only it was the Chinese subtitled anime