Fav Inu Moments/Eps?

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Post by msbbt » Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:08 pm

KitsuneStar wrote:My favorite InuYasha moment of all time was when Miroku Proposed to Sango and she exceted.
Me too!!! That's the best scene EVER. And the stuff in 161, like the "taking his woman" part... Pretty much any Miroku/Sango scene :wink:
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Post by Kaimi-chan » Wed Jan 05, 2005 2:40 pm

Well, I like when someone makes a hole in Inuyasha's stomach, or when Sesshoumaru shows up... And When Kagura tells him he''s cute... xD
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Post by Fluffyshippo91 » Wed Jan 05, 2005 3:50 pm

I was kinda surpirsed when Kagura said "yo" instead of something else.

one of my favorite moments is when Inu Yasha turns human. he looks so cute, Inu Yasha hitting shippo and then kagome saying sit to him because of that. and in the 2nd movie when miroku trys to paint the wind tunnel on his hand.

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Post by TetsusiagaSlayer14 » Wed Jan 12, 2005 10:48 pm

For favorite episodes id have to agree with DTJB. When Inu turns to his full demon form blows everything else away! He even makes Sesshoumaru quiver with fear! mab if only for a second 8-)
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Post by KiKi7 » Sat Jan 15, 2005 2:06 pm

I like the episodes with Rin and Sesshoumaru in them. I really really like InuYasha, but it comes on really late and I don't have them on DVD or anything, so I don't get to watch it very often. But I think Rin is soo cute!!!!! And I also like it when Jaken gets beat up.

I like the episode: Jaken's plan to steal the tetsuaiga(think i spelled that wrong :?)

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Post by TetsusiagaSlayer14 » Sat Jan 15, 2005 2:35 pm

LOL. Yeah if u just take a glance at my name ull know how to spell it rite! For i had to go and do research just to make sure i didnt spell it wrong :P
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Post by hanyou21 » Mon Jan 24, 2005 10:48 am

Hanyou's best Inu moments:
Spoiler :

1) Hmmm...sooooo many choices to choose from...I think my vote goes to when Inu uncovers the Bakarhuyya (sp? my bad), aka Backlash Wave against Ryoukotsei. So much power and good animation.
2) Inu's fight with Kagome's bike - cmon ppl, that's just a classic Inuism, to get into a fight with an inanimate object...
3) Sango and Miroku going into Mt. Harekui and vowing to "die together"...I'm a guy, but even that got to me, especially considering how shy Sango is when it comes to her liking for Mir.
4) Inu and Sesshy pwning Naraku after the Red Tetsusaiga power has been given to Inu and Sesshy begins using Tokijin's superpower - the look on Naraku's face was classic, it's just too bad he survives.
5) Ep. 167 where Kag saves Inu from going full demon and Inu gives the stone ogre a taste of powered up Kongosouha. Heartburn!

You know, I wish ppl in the mainstream anime community would give Inuyasha a little respect...almost every Inu video I see is crappy, with subtitles and low-quality graphics and generally bad storyboards, but if they were to watch the anime instead of berate it they make like it. Oh well, at least when the entire series gets onto DVD we may finally have some grand Inu AMVs to brag about here. :)


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