I belive it is japanese for pomegranate. (I don't have japanese script enabled on this computer.)prettysoldiersailormoon wrote:For anyone who cares, likes the English version, and lives in the US, Mew Mew Power is coming back on Dec 24! ^_^ I'm so happy. A lot of people complain that they should've left the names. To people who had never read the manga or seen the original or people who didn't know, the name thing would've been lost on them. It took me awhile to understand. It took me awhile to find out that ichigo means strawberry. Ok I haven't read the manga or seen the original version but if Ichigo is strawberry, and there's Mint, Lettuce and Pudding...then what the hell does Zakuro mean? That's the purple one's Japanese name. It would seem out of place if it didn't mean some kind of food.
The link below is the translator I used.
http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/cgi- ... dic.cgi?1C
Just be sure to check the box next to the keyword box if you use romanji.
Other results for Zakuro are 'garnet' and 'popularity of pomegranates, which contain phytoestrogens.